
Posts by Alex Lin

11 Relatable Memes for Pleasant Afternoon Scrolling

It’s that time of day again – the wee hours before the end of the workday when it’s impossible to finish anything. That means it’s time for meme happy hour! It’s five o’clock somewhere, so sit back, relax, and enjoy these 11 memes to kick off an easy-going afternoon. 1. Now that’s what I call...

11 Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses at Hollywood Sets That Show the Reality of How Movies Are Made

Film professionals make their jobs look oh so easy, and that’s exactly why they’re the unsung rockstars of 2020. What really separates the wheat from the chaff, though, is going that extra mile to make movie magic happen. Sometimes, that means using pretty unorthodox methods to get exactly what they want. Here are 11 fascinating...

What Even Are Dimensions, and How Many Do We Know About?

You’ve probably heard countless sci-fi flicks wax poetic about entering the ninth dimension, but what exactly does that even mean? What even are dimensions, and how do we exist in them? Are there really nine and counting? Well, it all depends on how you look at it. At our most basic understanding, we exist in...

This Game-Changing Mini-Nuclear Reactor Is Finally Safe to Use

NuScale, a nuclear startup based in Tigard, Oregon, has finally received a design certification from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. That means the company’s mini nuclear reactor is officially safe to use, marking it as the first American modular design to reach this level of federal safety certification. This marks a critical development in NuScale’s...

FYI: Walmart Is Actually Selling Tubs of Oreo Mousse

Yep, you read that title right. All of your artery-clogging dreams are coming true. Walmart is finally selling tubs of Oreo mousse – satisfying all of your cookies and cream needs. As if we didn’t need any more addicting DIY recipe ideas after “jarcueterie.” Still, sixteen ounces of fluffy Oreo goodness just might be the...

These Sped up Videos of Astronauts on the Moon Will Give You a Good Laugh

Being an astronaut isn’t easy. Exploring the wonders of space comes with its own set of challenges. With only a 0.65% applicant acceptance rate and two years of intense training, it’s hard for most to make the cut, and the challenges don’t stop there. Though there are plenty of astronaut secrets to get them by,...

12 Mindless Memes to Get You Through the Workday

Starting to hit that post-lunch wall of procrastination? Then it’s time for some relaxing, meme-filled distractions. Here’s a healthy dose of memes to get you through the rest of the day’s endless suffering. 1. The real genius I think we can all agree that whoever came up with this was truly an evolved being. 2....

12 Super Accurate Memes That Only True Crime Fans Will Understand

While the rest of the world goes up in flames, at least we have a steady stream of true crime podcasts, videos, and memes to keep us sane. There’s nothing quite like getting comfy and cozy to hear all about some of the most disturbing things that people have ever done. Here are 12 super...

13 Chilling Memes for the True Crime Obsessed

With quarantine not ending any time soon, us true crime fans have even more time to dedicate to the next chilling murder mystery. Every new podcast leads to a bottomless pit of shocking offenses. Somehow, learning about serial killers is more soothing than engaging with the current news cycle. Here are 13 true crime memes...

15 Hilarious Memes to Help Shake off the Fall Blues

It’s that time of year when it gets dark at, like, 4PM, so you know that season depression’s just about to hit. While sunlight might be limited, the memes are always in abundance. Here are 15 memes to help you fend off the gloom and start your day on the right foot. 1. An iconic...

This Tumblr Thread Proved That Time Really Is Our Biggest Enemy

They say time heals all wounds, but it’s also our rarest commodity. So much has happened over the course of our entire history that there’s bound to be some knowledge that falls through the cracks. As it turns out, that missing information sometimes turns out to be way more crucial than initially thought. These Tumblr...

The Top 10 Weirdest Trends That Went Viral This Year

2020’s almost over, and TikTok lives to see another year. Gen Z’s favorite social media platform is still influencing every corner of the entire internet. Here are the top 10 weirdest TikTok trends that managed to define 2020. 1. This unsavory tasting challenge Sorry for reminding you that guys dipped their b*lls in soy sauce...

12 More People Who Quit Their Jobs in the Most Epic Way

Still trapped in that terrible job? Believe me, you’re definitely not alone. A quick dive through the internet will reveal to you an entire community of work horror stories. But for every nightmare, there’s a brave soul who managed to make it out alive. Here are 12 more people who quit their jobs with an...

13 Absolute Champions Who Quit Their Jobs With Sophistication and Class

Finally at the end of your rope? Trying to find a civil way to leave that terrible, no good, dead-end job? Don’t sweat it; there are always answers on the internet. Take a tip from these 13 heroes who already did it for you. 1. That’s one way to do it Talk about making a...

Scientists Discover Large Salty Lakes Beneath Mars’ South Pole

Good news, space fans – it looks like there might have been life on Mars after all! Researchers just confirmed the existence of several lakes underneath the icy surface of Mars’ South Pole. The one massive lake and several smaller companions were first detected in 2018. The Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding...