
Posts by Adan Mathews

Never Sound Dumb Again with This Guide to the 33 Most Commonly Misused English Words and Phrases.

You know the feeling: you’re talking to people who think you’re intelligent, only to lose their respect when you say you “could care less” about something. Suddenly, “for all intensive purposes,” you’re a moron, and there’s no “escape goat” to blame this on. If you’re on the internet, you’re being torn apart, because online grammar...

10 Uber Drivers Share Their Best Stories About Things They’ve Heard

For years, taxicab confessions were such a well-known phenomenon that they even got their own show on HBO in the 90s, but now it’s the 2010s—and that means people are using their phones to summon drivers right to their house so they can drunkenly reveal their darkest secrets. When someone on reddit asked Uber drivers...

8 Unintentionally Funny Cards Kids Sent to Service Members

Ah, nothing like a letter from a sweet, innocent kid back home to make a deployed serviceperson smile. Here are a few classics. 1. The P.S. Do vampires celebrate Christmas? 2. The Valley Girl Best pep talk ever. 3. The “Clearly I Don’t Know What This Word Means” To be fair, they don’t call them...

Best friends achieve childhood dream of dressing up as one man to sneak into the movies.

Gather round, grown-ups, and hear the tale of Bo Johnson and his friend Matthew, who overcame adulthood to achieve every child’s ultimate squad goal: dressing up multiple kids as an adult and sneaking into the movies. Granted, these guys are now too big to sit on each other’s shoulders and don a trench coat. Fortunately,...

Woman who had an abortion at 32 weeks gives eye-opening interview.

Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in America, with the pro-lifers and pro-choicers debating whether a woman should be the one in charge of her body, or if zygotes and angry men in suits should be the ones calling the shots. As bitter as the debate is, almost all Americans agree that abortion...

18 celebrity couples who have a really big age difference, not that we’re judging.

Romances between partners of vastly different ages have always been a cornerstone of Hollywood legend. Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall are a classic example: their 25 year age difference (she was 20, he was 45 and had been married three times before) didn’t stop them from falling, and staying, in love. Bacall described their relationship...

Adoptive mom writes open letter to nosy lady in Target who shamed her for ‘spoiling’ her daughter.

Kelly Dirkes was shopping in Target with her (adopted) daughter when some busybody stranger told her that she would “spoil that baby,” by carrying her around, and that the baby would never learn to be independent.” Really, an annoying stranger telling someone how to live their life, in a huge chain superstore? How totally not...

9 times Twitter was so good no one could believe this website is free.

Few websites (besides Facebook) garner as much of a love-hate relationship as Twitter. On one hand, the website can function as an incredibly useful tool that connects us to networking and career opportunities, bolsters the voices of marginalized people, facilitates educational discussions, and of course, gives us beautiful memes. However, the darker side of twitter...

Christina Aguilera revealed what she looks like with no makeup and you won’t recognize her.

Christina Aguilera has been famous for decades, but it turns out that we have never actually seen her face before. The early aughts icon is on the cover of Paper magazine, freckly and makeup-free. She looks gorgeous, but different. New Christina, who dis? The whole photoshoot features a more vulnerable Xtina, different from both the...

Here Is the Data Facebook and Google Have on You

With news of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, we learned that there had been a data breach of more than 50 million Facebook users’ info. It didn’t come as a surprise to a lot of people that Google and Facebook had been keeping tons of data on their users, but when you actually look at what...

These 13 Riddles Contain Hard-to-Find Hidden Messages

These 13 riddles aren’t your run-of-the mill internet brainteasers – they’re tough, and here’s a hint: you’re going to have to do some serious reading between the lines to solve them all! #1. #2. #3. #4. #5. #6. #7. #8. #9. #10. #11. #12. #13. Here are the answers! #1. #2. #3. #4. #5. #6....

People share the fastest way they’ve improved their lives that actually worked.

Yeah, hard work and dedication are great and all that…but do you know what is even better? Instant gratification! As someone who has never kept a New Years resolution in her life, I know that quick fixes don’t always work…but these sixteen people on Reddit opened up about the fastest way they’ve seen someone turn...

7 life lessons I learned from ‘Stranger Things.’

The sci-fi thriller Stranger Things is a huge hit on Netflix. Besides being entertaining and spooky as hell, Stranger Things has taught me many valuable life lessons. Warning: Spoilers ahead. 1. Don’t chop up your house with an ax. Obviously you want to hit your wall with an ax, but don’t. Even if you think...

Mom of 6 leaves hilarious instructions to her husband when she leaves for a weekend.

Meghan Maza Oeser of Illinois has six kids, so it’s downright heroic that she made time to go on a girls weekend (she’s also a professional photographer—how does she do it all?). Once you read the open letter she wrote to her husband with instructions for watching their kids while she’s gone—which seems to mostly...

Boy tells mom in restaurant to ‘shut her baby up.’ His dad was listening.

Being the mother of an infant is hard. Babies cry, they poop in public, and sometimes when you take them out in public, you find evidence that they won’t get any easier to handle, even after 20 years. ​Just ask Lucy Hatami. Hatami tried to get out of the house for some breakfast, but according...