How You Can Tell the Difference Between a Brown and Black Bear
Whether you’re someone who spends a lot of time outdoors or someone who has to be dragged, kicking and screaming into the woods, being able to identify potentially dangerous wildlife is always a good skill to have. And I mean, even if you never go outside, there’s always the zombie apocalypse to consider. So, without further...
Blobfish Have Inspired Songs, and 6 More Fast Facts About the Deep Sea Creatures
The blobfish is one of those animals that seems like it can’t possibly be real. It’s too silly, too pink, and too…aptly named to be anything that’s not straight out of a comic book. Apparently, they’re real, though. If you, like me, need some convincing, here are 6 fast facts that might do the trick....
Do You Like When Store Owners Let Their Pets Loose in Their Businesses? Here’s What People Had to Say.
I can’t possibly think of a reason why you wouldn’t want dogs or cats running loose in a place where you were doing some shopping, but I guess everyone is different. I personally love it when I go into a shop and the owners have a dog or a cat that I can pet and...
People Respond to the Unpopular Opinion: “I Don’t Care How Well Behaved Your Dog Is, Put It on a Leash.”
If there’s one thing that will get pet owners fired up, it’s when you bring up whether dogs should always be on leashes or not when they’re out in public. I can see it from both sides, but I gotta say that after reading this person’s story and their opinion about this issue on Reddit,...
This Family’s BBQ Was Crashed by Dozens of Giant “Robber” Crabs and There’s Video
And no, not the kind that you need to inform your intimate partner about, either. Those are scary, to be sure, but they’re not giant…and also we know how to get rid of them. Instead of that horror show, try picturing this one: you’re enjoying a nice, relaxing campground getaway with your family. You’ve had a...
Here’s How Much Water Exists on Earth
You probably realize that there’s a whole lot of water in our oceans, but if you add in all of other bodies of water, not to mention what’s floating around in our atmosphere and up in the clouds, well, that number is probably bigger than any of us can imagine. What is it exactly? 326...
Could Planting 1 Trillion Trees Save Us From Climate Change?
Most of us are looking for ways to combat climate change these days, since the science is irrefutable – we’re running out of time. If we want to have a viable earth to pass down to our kids and grandkids, time is of the essence. What’s the answer, though? That’s a little harder, but even...
When Turquoise Is More Valuable Than Diamonds
The truth is, there are a lot of stones and gems out there that are more valuable than diamonds. The coveting of diamonds, the idea that they’re the end-all, be-all for women around the globe, that you must have a large one ready if you’re going to propose marriage, is all a marketing scheme. That...