

Inspector Found a Termite Infestation After a Recently Purchased Home Passed Inspection

We’d all like to think that the folks who perform home inspections are good at their jobs but I guess you never know… And the sad fact is that there are a lot of people out there who take shortcuts in work and in life. In this TikTok video, a pest inspector asks a homeowner...

4 Dog Sleeping Positions and What They Mean

Do you ever look at your pooch when they’re snoozing and say to yourself, “I wonder what that position means?” I know I have! And today we’re gonna finally get some answers about what these different sleeping positions mean for our beloved furry beasts. Let’s take a look… 1. Legs in the air You’ve seen...

They Kicked Their Girlfriend Out of the House. Were They Wrong?

If you don’t show the proper respect for someone’s pets, you better be prepared to pay the price. And if that means giving your girlfriend the boot, that’s the way it goes… Check out this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” and see if you think this guy was wrong for kicking his girlfriend...

How To Properly Pick Up A Duck, According To The Internet

Listen, I am a person who passes along information. It doesn’t matter how irrelevant that information might be to my life (or yours) on this day, because you honestly never know when you’re going to be faced with a totally novel scenario and wish that you knew exactly how to handle it. For example, one...

They Called Out a Classmate for Releasing Goldfish Into the Ocean. Did They Go Too Far?

Do goldfish belong in the ocean? I…don’t think so. But what do I know?!?! Read this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page and let us know if you think this student acted like a jerk when they told a classmate what they really think of them. AITA? My classmate “saved goldfish” by releasing...

Guy Wonders If He’s Wrong To Choose His Cat Over Family

There’s no doubt that for a majority of people who have pets, they are like family – we treat them as well as we would anyone else that we love, and we include them in ways that we believe will make everyone’s lives better. This man is no exception, and even went the extra mile...

Great Posts About Living With Our Beloved Pets

I don’t understand how people live without pets in their home. I mean, I know there are seasons of life when having pets is hard or doesn’t make sense, but a house just doesn’t feel like a home if there isn’t some fur flying around, you know? These 12 people definitely agree, and I, for...

People Who Just Couldn’t Help But Post About Their Pets

We all love our pets. Honestly, they’re one of the best parts of our days, with their sweet faces and silly antics and cold noses, right? These 11 people definitely share my opinion, because they took to Twitter to share the sweetest, cutest, and funniest moments they had with their furbabies recently – and now...