

It Takes About 7500 Bricks to Build the Winchester Mystery House out of LEGO

I’ve never been super into LEGO myself, and as my two sons are still too small, I haven’t been introduced as a parent either. I’m sure that will change. Recently, at a writing retreat, the others built the Millennium Falcon out of LEGO, though, and it was pretty impressive. Fun Fact: I also learned that...

A Crystal Baschet Makes the Coolest Sounding Music

Musician Marc Chouarain is a composer for film soundtracks, and he recently gave a short demonstration on an unusual instrument he often uses when he’s composing. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the cristal baschet. The cristal baschet was made in 1952 by two French instrument makers and artists, brothers Bernard and François Baschet. Metal rods embedded in a...

Raku Inoue Makes Beautiful Portraits of Animals Using Flowers

We often think of art as simply drawing, painting, and graphic design, but there’s more to it. Raku Inoue is an artist that uses flowers for his work. These usually consist of animal portraits. These are delicate portraits that give us a different way to see these beautiful creatures. 15. This Beautiful Spring Beetle The...

Artist Illustrates National Parks In America Based On Their Worst Yelp Review — She’s Hoping They Make You Laugh

If you’re like me, and assume there’s really no fault to be found in some of nature’s most beautiful offerings – Yosemite, Zion, Red Rocks, et al – then it will probably surprise you that some people use the gloriousness of the internet to leave nasty Yelp reviews for Mother Nature. Truly. There are people...

19 Inexpensive Hobbies You Can Learn While You’re Under Self-Quarantine

Millions of Americans are now being forced to work from home or have been forced to leave their jobs and stay home because of the coronavirus. What can people do with all this spare time? There are only so many movies and TV shows you can watch before you start to get a little antsy....

Artists Are Sharing Their Creative Talents on Facebook in the Group “Quarantined Cabaret”

There hasn’t been a whole lot of good to come out of this whole COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. We’re stuck at home with our families, we’re still trying to work, we’re washing our hands so much our skin is cracking, we’re worried about our parents and our friends with crappy immune systems and how we’re...

Unlock Your Phone During a Viral Epidemic With These Surgical Masks That Look Like Your Face

Of all the things to worry about during a viral epidemic or pandemic, “how do I use Face ID with my face mask on” is probably not the highest on the list. But no worries, you can still unlock your phone without taking off your mask if you buy one of these face masks that imitate...

The Story Behind Why Michelangelo Hid in a Secret Room In Florence For 3 Months

The great Italian Renaissance master, Michelangelo painted some of the most spectacular works of art in the world. He was also a sculpter, inventor, architect, chef, engineer and pretty much pursued any and all things that caught his interest. But for a period of time, he had to hide from an angry Medici family in...