Artist Arkane Lowe Creates the Celebrity Mashups You’ll Never Be Able To Unsee
One of the best things about the internet is that artists have a whole, wide-open platform to expose us to thoughts and ideas that might never have occurred to us. That said, we assume that they’ll use that power for good and not evil. Once you see these images though, you’re not going to be...
15 Totally Relevant Memes Created Using Classic Art
With how much the world has changed, it can be hard to believe that everything old could really be new again, but hear me out. The best art is classic and timeless, so why shouldn’t these classic art pieces find a new and relevant life in the 21st century? That’s exactly what’s happening with these...
16 Pieces of Classic Art Getting a New Lease on Life by Becoming Memes
I’m not sure what the artists of old would have thought about social media – if they’re anything like the current artists I know, they would definitely have a love/hate relationship with it. They might love the idea that their art is living for millions of people because of the internet, though – because these...
This Quirky Artist Is Imagining The VHS Covers For Modern Shows And Movies
It can be crazy to think about how much media has changed since the 1980s – which was, to be fair, forty years ago now. Yikes. Back then, we watched movies on VHS instead of streaming everything with the push of a button and sure, it wasn’t as convenient. But if you’re feeling the nostalgia...
15 People Think They’ve Spotted Classic Art References In TV And Films – And Here Are The Receipts
Have you ever been watching television or sitting in front of a movie and thought “hey, I feel like I’ve seen this somewhere before?” It could be deja vu, you could be imagining it, or maybe – just maybe – you’re right. These 15 people are bringing the receipts to Twitter, and I’ve got to...
13 Viewers Have Noticed Some Similarities Between Classic Art And Their Favorite Shows
Some people like to totally zone out to the movies they watch, or scroll through their phone while streaming the latest “it” show, but not everyone – some people’s minds are always turning, and always making connections. In the case of these 13 viewers, they were watching something and thought they’d seen that exact scene...
This Artist Imagines What Happened Behind-The-Scenes With Your Favorite Pop Culture Characters
Have you ever spent way too much time conjuring pasts, futures, and secret lives of fictional characters? Have you ever wondered what went on in a certain world when the attention turned to other characters and happenings? If so, you’re definitely not alone, and now artist Alex Solis is bringing us really…interesting drawings that bring...
This Artist Uses Just His Smartphone to Transform the World Around Him
One of the coolest things about being an artist – or really a human – is that any day, any time, we can choose to see the world in a different way. We can look around and glimpse more than the sum of the world’s parts, and if you’ve got an artist’s eye, you can...