

She Took Her Daughter to McDonald’s Before a Sleepover Was Done. Was She Wrong?

Hey, when a kid wants McDonald’s, you give them McDonald’s, right? Well, at least some of the time… And here’s another question: who would get angry about a mom taking their own kid to get some food? Hmmm, let’s see what exactly is going on in this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page… AITA for taking my...

Woman Asks if She’s Wrong for Giving Her Stepdaughter a Snickers Bar

So it’s come to this, huh…? Someone finally got in trouble for giving a kid a Snickers bar… What kind of world are we living in?!?! I guess we should get all the details before we freak out, huh? Check out this woman’s story and see if you think she acted like an a**hole. AITA...

Is She a Jerk for Eating Her Husband’s Entire Birthday Cake? People Responded.

Have you eaten a whole cake by yourself? I can definitely say that I have not, but there’s still time to reach that goal, right? But enough about me: on to today’s story. Is this woman a jerk for eating her husband’s entire birthday cake? Read her story below and see what you think… AITA...

Man Swears Waffle House Has Different Menus…And Some Are Definitely Better Than Others

If you live in the American South, there’s almost no chance that you’ve missed dining at Waffle House. It’s a tradition, a long and storied one, and people even choose to frequent the chain for special occasions like birthdays and Valentine’s Day. And if you’ve visited different Waffle Houses or even different locations in your...

They Let Their Son Bring Fast Food Into a Wedding Reception. Would You Be Angry?

I went to a wedding in Chicago once and, late at night when the reception had already been raging for a while, someone made a run to the White Castle down the street and came back with about 100 burgers… And we loved it! But that was my story… Is this parent wrong for letting...

She Won’t Let Her Husband Have Any of Her Banana Bread. Is She a Jerk?

You’re cut off! From my banana bread… Uh oh, this doesn’t sound good, does it? Is there trouble in paradise for this married couple? Check out her story below and see what you think. AITA for not letting my husband have any of my banana bread anymore? “Whenever I (29F) have bananas that are close...

She Didn’t Go to Her Husband’s Celebration Dinner Because She Couldn’t Eat Anything There. Is She a Jerk?

Call me crazy, but this just sounds WEIRD to me… Not going to your husband’s celebration dinner because you can’t have any of the food? Weird, right? Well, let’s see what the heck is going on here before we make our minds up, okay? Start now! AITA for not attending my husband’s celebration dinner due...

He Asked His GF to Start Making Him Breakfast Every Morning. Is He Wrong?

Hmmm, this seems like quite a demand, doesn’t it? To make someone breakfast EVERY SINGLE MORNING? Yeah, that’s a lot… But, of course, every situation is different, so you never know… But is this guy acting like an a**hole? Check out his story and let us know what you think. AITA for asking my girlfriend...