

Let’s Sum up Every Western Literary Movement in History with Single Sentences

Do you love history and literature? Well, whether you do (and will know what we’re talking about here and probably feel a bit superior about the whole thing) or don’t (who has time for that stuff, anyway?) there’s a good chance you’ll get a chuckle out of these “layman’s” summaries of histories literary movements. Courtesy...

NASA Is Looking to Send a Probe to Venus’ Infernal Surface

Although we’ve had our eyes on the Mars prize for some time, a different team of researchers are actually working on getting to Venus. Venus gets closer to Earth in its orbit than any other planet, yet we have precious little information about the surface – except that it’s close to a living hell. In...

A Silly but Helpful Guide to Identifying the Artist Behind Famous Paintings

Art history isn’t everyone’s bag, but there is definitely value in being able to look at a painting and know whose brush brought it to life. And while it takes years for scholars to study the intricacies and subtleties of why the paintings of particular artists look the way they do, you can learn to...

Everyone in This Small Spanish Village Became Overnight Millionaires Playing the Lottery

When a whole town goes from poor to rich overnight, the world starts talking. Here’s the story of a small Spanish town called Sodeto – only 240 residents – that became fabulously wealthy in 2011. A small planned farming community, it was started in 1950 after the Spanish Civil War. This town was created by...

This Man Studied Photography in Prison – Take a Look at His Work Now That He’s Out

Everyone deserves a second chance in life, and Donato Di Camillo is definitely making the most of his opportunity. Di Camillo found himself in and out of jail when he was younger, and he became very interested in photography when he was serving a sentence in a federal prison in Virginia. Di Camillo says, “I...

Scientists Have Found Traces of Animal Milk Inside Prehistoric Baby Bottles

If you’ve had kids recently, then you’re probably aware of the current push for all mothers to breastfeed. There are, of course, many reasons why mothers either choose not to or cannot for some reason breastfeed, and lucky for all of the beautiful babies out there, we have a slew of synthetic options these days....