


Couple Mistakenly Receives a Package With Almost $550,000 Worth of Ectsasy Pills

Online shopping is always a bit of a gamble—you never know what you’re actually going to get in the mail. But 25,000 ecstasy tablets? Now that’s a new twist. A middle-aged couple in Austria opened a package one morning that was supposed to contain dresses from a retailer in the Netherlands. To their extreme surprise, it contained...

Yellowstone National Park Will Have Its First Woman Chief Ranger

For the first time in its 147 year history, Yellowstone National Park will see its first female chief ranger. Sarah Davis, a National Park Service veteran for 20 years, will be the park’s 18th chief ranger, and the first woman to officially hold the top job (the park has had other women serve in an...

Learn Why Married Couples Used to Sleep in Twin Beds

These days, it’s generally assumed that you’ll share a bed with your partner after you move in together. But that wasn’t always the case. There was a time that sleeping in separate twin beds was considered progressive and forward-thinking, according to a new book by literature professor Hilary Hinds. Just like today, folks in the...

10 Facts That May Make You Pause and Ponder

This is exactly what a good bunch of facts should do: make you sit back and think. Make you reevaluate some topics you might be familiar with and see them in a new light. Here are 10 great facts for you to chew on. Enjoy! 1. Used to taste different. Source 1 2. Are you...

Take a Look at the Gorgeous Subways of the Former Soviet Union

I was lucky enough to visit Russia for ten days in 2003, and it was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Standing in Red Square, walking around Saint Petersburg, it was truly incredible. One thing I noticed was how elaborate and beautiful some of the subway stations were in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. The Soviets built incredible...

Here’s Why Paul McCartney Is Really Barefoot on the Cover of “Abbey Road”

You might have heard of a little 1960s band called The Beatles, yeah? Probably. But if you’re young, or not a superfan, or not the child of a superfan, then you might not know that the famous Abbey Road album cover is the subject of many conspiracy theories. https://www.instagram.com/p/B3FuWNRpnzC/ For reasons unknown, rumors began to circulate...