

10 Posts Best Appreciated by Anyone Born Before 1994

Do you ever think about the simpler days you’ve left behind? Like how things just seemed so straightforward when you were 8 years old? Second grade, that was the year. It’s all downhill since then. If you’re feeling nostalgic, we’ve got you covered with another remember when, where we take you back to a time...

Investigation Discovery’s ‘The Missing’ Is a Creepy, Fascinating Show That You Should Be Watching

Investigation Discovery is loaded with quality programming, but one of the best is a newer show on the network called The Missing. The show profiles average, everyday people who disappeared without a trace under very mysterious circumstances. For anyone who loves true crime, this is a really engrossing watch. To give you a little taste,...

Muslims Are Sharing Heartbreaking Stories About How 9/11 Changed Their Life Forever

Every year on September 11, America takes a time out from whatever else is going on to come together and remember the events of September 11, 2001. We talk about the people in the buildings, the people on the planes, the first responders, the bystanders, the dogs who bravely searched in vain for survivors in...

Scottish Authorities Are Searching for the Remains of a 300-Year-Old Accused Witch

In the 18th century, a woman was accused of witchcraft. She died in prison while awaiting her trial, and since everyone in town was convinced of her guilt and feared her unnatural return from the dead, she was buried beneath a large, stone slab. It happened in 1704, in a town called Torryburn on Scotland’s...

10 Facts You Might Want to Follow up On

It’s time to celebrate! Celebrate some great facts, I mean. You can share them with your friends, families, and enemies, and you can whip them out at your next dinner party so people get really impressed with you. Trust me, it works. Now memorize these facts! 1. Those programs don’t work. Source 1 Source 2 2. Bring...

People Share What They Think the 2010s Decade Will Be Remembered For

It’s hard to believe that we only have a few months left until we start a new decade. Wooo! Time flies. How will the 2010s be remembered? It sure seems like there was a lot of controversy and upheaval around the world. AskReddit users weighed in on what they think this strange, wonderful, terrible decade...