

14 People Talk About What They Think We’re in the Golden Age Of

I guess we’re always in the golden age of something, right? And I guess that can be good or bad, depending on what we’re talking about… But it’s time to hear from AskReddit users about what they think about this. Let’s take a look. 1. Drink up! “Beer! There are so many different types of...

15 People Talk About What Used to Be Considered Luxurious That’s Now Normal

Can you imagine life without air conditioning? I definitely CAN NOT. But back in the day, having AC was considered a luxury, not something that everyone had. What are some more examples of things like this? Check out what AskReddit users had to say about this. 1. It’s fresh. “Cold drinks and fresh fruit everywhere...

Did Taco Bell Really Buy The Liberty Bell?

In the true nature of amazing hoaxes, this one took off before anyone at Taco Bell or anyone who worked for the Liberty Bell knew what was going on. That pretty much makes this a controversy that no one who remembers it is ever going to forget. It began early on the morning of April...

What Previously Luxurious Thing Is Now Considered Normal? People Shared Their Thoughts.

This is just my own personal example, but from the time I moved out of my parents’ house when I was 18 until about 5 years ago, I never had a dishwasher. I just always lived in older buildings and houses that didn’t have them. But now that I have one…? I love it and...

In 1983, The CIA Thought You Could Transcend Spacetime With Your Mind

When you think about the CIA, you probably picture no-nonsense g-men in cheap suits, ready to get their hands dirty in pursuit of national (or even global) security. You probably don’t imagine a bunch of dudes wondering whether or not our brains can meditate their way into a state that would allow us to transcend...

18 Giggle-Worthy Slang Terms From The Early 20th Century

Language is so interesting – how it’s grown and developed over time, how terms have grown popular and then all but disappeared – and I’m always up for learning more about how and when those changes took place. Which is why I love this post about slang terms from the 1910s (and some of them...

13 People Talk About the Most Disturbing Things They’ve Seen in Person

If you see something truly shocking with your own eyes, it seems so surreal that you have a hard time believing that it’s actually real. And those kinds of incidents can leave a big impression on your psyche. Let’s hear from AskReddit users about the most disturbing things they’ve seen in person. 1. From the...

Does The World’s Largest Family Tree Reveal The Origins Of Humanity?

People love knowing more about where we come from, and the internet has obviously made it easier for anyone to dabble in genealogy – and for us to be able to track down lines that go back hundreds of years. It makes sense, then, that anthropologists and historians, geologists and the like, could use the...