

20 Facts That Will Make You Feel Even Smarter Than You Already Are

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you love facts. You’re here, after all, and this sort of headline is the thing that makes your brain get all warm and fuzzy inside. If brains got warm and fuzzy, I mean. Which they don’t. So, without further ado, here are 20 facts...

21 Facts You Can’t Live Without

Ok, ok, fine – you can live without knowing certain facts, but would you want to? If you’re here on our page, my guess is that you love facts as much as we do, which means you’re dying to see what’s on this list. Whether you’ve heard some of these before or not, we feel...

10 Fascinating Facts That Will Put Your Thoughts on Hyperdrive

There’s a good chance that one of the reasons you follow this page is because you love facts of all kinds – and we all know we could go on for days if started listing all manner of random facts. These 10 facts are some that are not only wild, but will get your brain...

12 People Talk About New Technologies They Remember That Are Now Obsolete

Technology today seems like it’s moving at hyper-speed these days and if you blink, you’ll miss it. And it’s pretty wild to see exciting stuff get introduced to the market and then see it go away later. That’s called getting old, folks! People on AskReddit discussed technology that they remember being invented and then going...

12 People Talk About Inventions They Think Did More Harm Than Good

It’s kind of fascinating to think about what inventors really had in mind when they came up with new ideas. And it’s also interesting to ponder whether they could really comprehend where their inventions would eventually go and what kind of impact they would have on the world. Folks on AskReddit shared what inventions they...

What Invention Has Done More Harm Than Good? People Shared Their Thoughts.

Right off the top of my head, I’d have to say that weapons of war have probably done more harm than good in this world…but I’m sure some people would argue with me on that one… What invention do you think has done more harm than good? AskReddit users shared their thoughts. 1. You’ve seen...

Let’s Follow These 11 Facts Straight Down the Rabbit Hole

Is there anything more delicious than that moment you read something you’ve never heard before and you hear your brain sort of take off, chasing down all of the other little bunny trails left by the million follow up thoughts and questions that arise? I think not – rabbit holes might be time sucks, but...

Why the Grapefruit Is One of the World’s Weirdest Fruits

In North America, we get stuck thinking that there are only about a dozen “normal” fruits because those are what are accessible to us. We grab bananas, apples, oranges, grapes, berries, melon – maybe a pineapple or a mango once in a while, or a kiwi, but that’s about as wild as we get. There...