

Pizza Hut Used to Hit Different and We Need to Talk About It

2020 has unexpectedly given us time to take a long look back at this we miss from childhood, and Pizza Hut as it used to be is one of them. Yes, Pizza Hut is very much is still in existence. However, in decades past, it was a sit-down restaurant that was more slow service than...

People Discuss the Scary Facts That Really Make Them Worry

Some people out there are just born worriers. They can’t help it, but the state of the world, all the things that go wrong, and all the things that MIGHT go wrong tend to keep them up at night and influence their lives in a negative way. And, let’s be honest, there sure are a...

What Terrifying Fact Keeps You up at Night? People Shared Their Thoughts.

There’s a lot to worry about in this big, crazy world of ours…no doubt about that. And, if you’re already a paranoid person, I suggest that you STAY AWAY from falling down social media rabbit holes because they’ll take you on a dark journey that will make things much worse and you’ll REALLY never get...

16 People Share the Terrifying Facts That Keep Them up at Night

When I was a kid, I was a total worrywart. I’d lay in my bed at night and just think of all of the terrifying things that might happen: World War III, an asteroid hitting our house, packs of wild dogs roaming the neighborhood. Basically anything that could potentially cause me harm. Now, I guess I’m just...

These Mysteries Are Still Unsolved…And They Are Strange and Creepy

People get stuck in online “rabbit holes” pretty regularly and now it’s my time to come clean about what I tend to get stuck on for hours and hours… Unsolved mysteries! I can get stuck on a certain site or a specific story for an entire night if I’m not careful…and I know that I’m...

14 People Talk About the Strangest Mysteries That Are Still Unsolved

I’ve always been fascinated by unsolved mysteries from the past. Ancient times, the current era, it doesn’t matter. The stories have a unique way of creeping me (and other people) out and I could honestly read about this kind of stuff for hours on end. These stories have it all: intrigue, uncertainty, and a definite...

People Discuss Very Strange Unsolved Mysteries That Have Captured Their Attention

In case you hadn’t heard, the classic TV show Unsolved Mysteries has been rebooted and is now back on Netflix. And I couldn’t be happier! That show pretty much defined my childhood and young adulthood. Robert Stack’s voice? Get outta here! That’s the creepiest thing of all time! To celebrate the show being back on the air,...

Tumblr Imagines What Would Have Happened If the Titanic Hadn’t Sunk and It’s Fascinating

The Titanic sank down to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in 1912, failing to complete its maiden voyage after hitting an iceberg. Many of us know the story thanks to our history teachers and also to the 1997 mega-blockbuster film, Titanic. But what would have happened if the Titanic had made it to New...