Shorthand: the Peculiar-Looking Script That Serves an Important Purpose
We take it for granted that technology has made things so much easier than they were for our parents or grandparents. Taking notes is almost obsolete nowadays because people can quickly type up, record, or use their phones to document meetings and events. So how did people do this before? Shorthand script, which looks like...
25 People Share What Technology They Believe is Lagging
Technology seems to change daily. I swear the “next’ iPhone is out weeks after the last one released! Tech consumers are hungry for more, but have you ever wondered why some items never seem to advance? Like solar power? Sure there are some ways it’s available, but at a high cost! u/worldtraveler100 proposed to AskReddit,...
15 People Discuss What They Think Are the Necessary Skills for Future Jobs in America
No doubt about it, America’s workforce is changing fast and the skills that many workers had 50, 20, or maybe even 10 years ago just don’t translate to today’s automated and highly technological workplace. What will the future hold? What skills should younger people be focusing on? AskReddit users talked about what they think the...
10 Interesting Facts About Marijuana
I went to a marijuana dispensary for the first time a few months ago in California and let me tell you that it was delightful! It was organized nicely, the people were helpful, I was very impressed. As you’ve probably noticed, weed is becoming legal across the country and the stigma is (mostly) being erased...
Rare Black Serval Cat Was Captured in This Amazing Photo
The world is full of felines, or Felidae. From lions and tigers all the way to the domesticated house cat, they all share similar traits. Sharp claws. Powerful bite. They were made to survive in the wild! But some wild cats are known to be so solitary that catching them with a camera lens, let alone...
30 Trends That People Were Glad to See Die Out
Trends come and go, and thank goodness for that, because some of them get really old really quick. Redditors discussed the trends that they’re glad have died out, from fake mustaches to “Who Let The Dogs Out,” and here are some of their best answers. This thread is a walk down memory lane! 1. Keep calm and…...
8 Mysteries That Might Be Unsolved but Everyone Knows Who Did It
Ah, human rights laws and evidence. Just arrest these people already. I mean, we already know they did it. These high profile crimes may be unsolved as of today, but come on… Scroll through our evidence and armchair detective work and see if you don’t agree. Some people just look guilty! 1. Kristin Smart Presumed...
Here’s Why Radio Station Call Signs Always Begin With a ‘K’ or a ‘W’
There are some big, important questions out there that people are always clamoring for answers to, and while wondering how radio stations are named and why they always start with one of two letters might not be all that important, it is one of those things you ponder at some point. We’re here to give...