

She Told Her Cousin She Ruined a Family Heirloom. Is She a Jerk?

Family heirlooms are NOT to be messed with, are we clear about that? They’re passed down from generation to generation for a reason, you know? And we can all understand why someone would get fired up about an heirloom being ruined. So did this woman go too far when she told her cousin she ruined...

Is She Wrong for Telling People That Her Brother Chose a Dog Over Her? Here’s What People Said.

I’m gonna go on the record right now and let everyone know that I usually like dogs more than people. And if you’ve ever had a special dog in your life, then you might agree with me… And that brings us to today’s story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page! Is this woman wrong for telling...

Woman Wants to Know if She’s Wrong for Keeping Her Daughter Away From Her Sister-In-Law

Hmmmm, this sounds like a complicated situation. Not wanting your daughter to spend time with your own sister-in-law? Sounds like there is some major drama going on here, right? But who’s to blame? Check out the story below and see if you think this woman went too far. AITA for keeping my daughter away from...

Hot Showers Vs. Cold Showers – Which Is Healthier?

I have to believe that every single sane person in the world would prefer a hot shower to a cold one. Now, I know that there are times when a cooler shower is necessary – after a workout, if you’re trying to wake up or sober up – but mostly, it’s not very pleasant. Are...

People Share Stories About the Worst Pain They’ve Ever Felt in Their Lives

Pain don’t hurt. Those words of wisdom were uttered by none other than Patrick Swayze’s character Dalton in the classic film Road House. But, judging by the painful stories you’re about to read from AskReddit users, Dalton might have been wrong about this one… These stories are gonna make you say OUCH! Take a look. Ouch....

People Talk About What They Do on Fridays to Kick off Their Weekends

Back when I had a normal 9 to 5 job, I absolutely LOVED Fridays. I’d usually meet my friend at the hole-in-the-wall bar down the street from where I lived, play a bunch of songs on the jukebox, and look forward to the next two days off. Ahhhhh, it was a glorious time. What do...

She Used Her Friend’s Logic Against Her and Made Her Cry. Did She Go Too Far?

Have you ever had an experience where you used someone’s “logic” against them and it didn’t go well? It can be pretty satisfying! But it can also lead to some hurt feelings… So did this woman act like an a**hole? Take a look at her story and see what you think. AITA for using my...

Man Wants to Know if He’s a Jerk for Refusing to Babysit for His Sister

Do you have a person in your family or in your friend group who is always hitting you up at the last minute and asking for favors that are pretty inconvenient? It can be a major headache…and sometimes, saying no can make things complicated. And today’s story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page is...