

These Yoda Bookends Bring the Force to Your Shelves

Books are one of the best things in the world. And if you asked a good number of people, they would probably say that Star Wars is another of the best things in the world. And regardless of all of the controversies that have surrounded the series through the decades, one thing has never changed:...

What Exactly Is a Pooh, and Why Is Winnie One?

Beloved and time honored children’s character Winnie the Pooh is, in fact, a bear. He lives in the woods, he eats honey, he loves to sleep, he looks like a bear…all of the signs are there. So why, then, is he referred to as “the pooh?” And what exactly IS a pooh, anyway? I have...

15 ‘Little Free Libraries’ that Might Inspire You to Start Your Own

I have a couple of Little Free Libraries by me where I live in Charlotte, North Carolina, and I’m always surprised by how often the books are changing and how many people take advantage of them. The idea behind these libraries is really cool: people build them in neighborhoods and people take and leave books....

Poll Shows the Books Most Readers Just Can’t Finish

When I saw there was a Goodreads poll looking for this answer, I had some ideas on what might win the day – Something by Tolstoy? Gravity’s Rainbow? Grapes of Wrath? Turns out it’s none of those (though I, personally, have quit all and feel no regrets on the topic). In 2013, Goodreads compiled members’...

You Can Now Buy Dirty ‘Harry Potter’ Candles For Your Foul-Mouthed Friends

Here’s the truth: Harry Potter might have been originally written for kids, but those of us who have been lifelong fans are now adults with kids and jobs and lives of our own. And that means we’ve got plenty to cuss about these days. Sometimes, there’s no better response to a situation than a good,...

13 Very Sophisticated Literature Tweets for the Well-Read

Book people are the best people. They’re also my people, which is why I’m so excited about sharing this list of funny, insightful, pithy tweets about our very favorite things. Book people are also also hilarious, as is evidenced below – so get ready for a big ol’ grin that just won’t quit. 13. I...

The Next Time Your Kid Tries to Manipulate You, Use Game Theory Against Them

If you need proof that humans are born manipulators, look no farther than your average toddler. No one teaches them how to manipulate their parents (or try to, anyway) in order to get what they want. They somehow just know how to make it happen. And as they grow, their attempts become inevitably more sophisticated...

15 People Share the Books They Think Everyone Should Read

What are some of your favorite books? Books that you read multiple times and recommend to your family and friends? The ones that really move you? Tell us about the books that mean a lot to you in the comments. For now, check out these recommendations. AskReddit users share the books they think everyone should...