Celebrities Can Be Funny, Too! And These Tweets Prove It!
Hey, celebrities are just like us! Well…not really…but at least it’s refreshing to know that some of them still have a good sense of humor even though they have their every need catered to at every hour of the day. You probably had a feeling that some of the folks on this list were already...
12 of the Funniest Tweets From Celebrities
Have you ever wondered how the other half lives? And when I say “the other half”, I’m talking about the rich, the powerful, the sexy, and the high-profile. And some of them even have all of the above traits packed into one body. But, wouldn’t you know it, a lot of celebrities out there are...
People Who Have Won on Game Shows Talk About How Much They Actually Won and How It Affected Their Lives
Big money, big money! No whammies, no whammies! I always thought it would probably be a lot of fun to be on a game show (especially if you won), but for those of us who’ve never had that experience, we’re pretty much in the dark about how all this stuff actually works. Are you ready...
People Who’ve Been on Home Renovation Shows Share How Those Houses Are Holding Up
I have a friend who was on the TV show Monster House back in the early 2000s. Do you remember that show? A bunch of workers would descend on a house, rip it apart, and re-do the whole thing in a few days, and the house always had some kind of a cool theme. My friend...
People Talk About the Nicest Celebrities They’ve Dealt With at Their Jobs
I know that celebrities seem to have it all, but I think one aspect of their lives that would be kind of a nightmare would be dealing with people in their everyday lives. I know, I know, they signed up for it once they decided to become an actor/singer/etc., but it’s gotta get old to...
What Is Something That You Can’t Understand the Popularity Of? Here’s What People Said.
Maybe I’m just getting old, but whenever I turn on the radio or flip channels on TV, a lot of the really popular stuff on there just…confuses me. This especially goes for rap music. I love the stuff I grew up on: Ice T, NWA, Ice Cube, Cypress Hill, etc. But when I hear current,...
People Admit What Popular Things They Just Can’t Wrap Their Heads Around
I know my answer to this question! Pearl Jam. Eddie Vedder seems like a really cool guy and I give that band all the credit in the world for keeping it going after all these years, but I really and truly don’t understand their popularity. In fact, I tried to give their music another shot...
What Movie Ending Always Makes You Cry? Here’s How People Responded.
I’ve been a huge movie lover since I was a little kid and there are certain movies that just really get me choked up no matter how many times I see them. The ending of It’s A Wonderful Life? Here come the waterworks! And I bet that you have a few of those, too, don’t you?...