

What Single Terrible Film Killed an Entire Franchise?

Don’t you hate it when a franchise is rolling along, full or one or two or even three great (or at least not terrible) movies, and then BANG. A bad movie enters the picture, and it completely ruins everything that came before – or that might come afterward – from then on. If you’re curious...

Why Disney Continues to Recycle Bits and Pieces of Animation Over and Over Again

If you’re an avid Disney fan – or even just someone who watches a lot of movies and pays attention to detail – it’s probably no secret that Disney’s animators recycle some of their animations into multiple subsequent films. If the only reason they do that is to save money, it turns out they save...

People Talk About the Actors We All Know by Sight but Whose Names We Don’t Know

Have you ever heard of the actor Fred Ward? Even if you haven’t, I bet you’ve seen his face. And he’s been one of my favorite actors for a long time…even before I knew what his name was. https://www.instagram.com/p/BXDPzt1Fakc/ What actors does everyone recognize but no one knows their names? AskReddit users shared their thoughts....

What Actors Has Everyone Seen but Nobody Knows Their Names? Here’s What People Said.

I love character actors! I’m talking about the people you see in a lot of movies and they’re always great but you just don’t know what the hell their names are. Some of my favorites are Fred Ward, Clancy Brown, Ed Lauter, and Kevin Corrigan. They’re always great in every movie they’re in! What actors...

12 People Share the Most Disturbing Movies They’ve Ever Seen

Movies just keep getting weirder and darker lately, don’t you think? I’m a horror movie fan and that genre in particular has really ratcheted up how extreme they are…and some of them really stick in your head long after the screen goes dark. What’s the most disturbing movie you’ve ever seen? People shared their thoughts....

People Talk About Movies So Disturbing They Regret Watching Them

I’ve loved horror movies and gory stuff since I was pretty young, but there have been a few movies I’ve seen over the past 10 years or so that were so over the top that I don’t think I ever need to see them again. The big one that comes to mind is a French...

11 People Share the Movie Scenes That Are Emotional Gut-Punches

You know what kind of movie you’re in the mood for on any given day – something funny, something you don’t have to think about, something you do have to think about, or something that’s going to inspire some tears that you badly need to purge. If the latter is what you’re looking for today, these...

12 of the Most Heartbreaking Scenes on Film

I think the reason that movies have so many moods, and cross so many emotions, is because that on any given day, any given human is going to be in the mood for something different. And while some people avoid gut-wrenching stories for very valid and personal reasons, there are plenty of others who are...