This Simple GIF Will Totally Mess With Your Head
If you’re looking for a reminder today that we’re all just sheets of skin that are slaves to the strange organ encased in our skulls, here’s one – this GIF of an optical illusion that’s really just two dots. The GIF has been around since early 2018, when Reddit user do23n posted it, along with...
10 Interesting Facts You Should Use to Impress Your Friends
We bring you all kinds of great fact sets, but are you really using them to their full potential? Yes, they’re for learning and giving your brain a workout, but we also want you to use our many, many fact sets to make your friends think you’re a total genius! That’s brilliant, right? Here are...
If Certain Noises Make You Angry, You’re Not Alone and You’re Not Crazy, Either
If you’re like me, there are certain noises that drive you absolutely bonkers. And not like, they annoy you. Like, they cause a full-blown rage spiral, and if the person making them is living in your house, they’d better look out. For me these sounds include, but are not limited to, chewing, eating ice, smacking...
Is “Getting Hangry” a Real Thing?
We’ve all been there – it’s been a busy day and you’ve skipped lunch. It’s been hours since you last ate anything. You get home, your partner says something mildly provocative and… BAM! You’re a full-blown rage monster. Eventually, you grab a bite to eat, have a moment to decompress, and you realize “Whoa! I really...
5 Common Myths About COVID-19 That Have Been Debunked By Doctors
When an event is as monumental and life-altering as the COVID-19 pandemic has proved to be, myths are sure to spread right along with the coronavirus that causes it. Partly because of highly-focused media attention and partly because the medical science community is still discovering new information daily, we can get caught up in the...
These “Struggle Meals” Are for People Who Want to Eat Well
If you thought the struggle was real before, it’s really real now. Natural disasters, pandemics, riots and what have you can sometimes make it impossible, or at least undesirable, to leave your home. But you have to eat and you’re bank account is dwindling. So, what now? “Struggle meals” to the rescue. Recently, someone on...
9 People Share What Keeps Them Motivated to Reach Their Goals
Goals are easy to get excited about, but not so easy to reach. Some days you just don’t want to show up. From workouts to writing, our goals that seemed so doable a couple of weeks ago now seem insurmountable. That’s when the couch beckons us with a siren song of Netflix and a bag...
The Astrological Signs as Represented by ‘Star Trek’ Characters
What’s your sign? I’m sure you’ve heard that question many times in your life, right? Well, you’re about to see a fun new spin on your astrological sign right here. Some clever person has taken all 12 astrological signs and paired them up with characters from ‘Star Trek’. I have to say, these are pretty...