The Next Time Your Kid Tries to Manipulate You, Use Game Theory Against Them
If you need proof that humans are born manipulators, look no farther than your average toddler. No one teaches them how to manipulate their parents (or try to, anyway) in order to get what they want. They somehow just know how to make it happen. And as they grow, their attempts become inevitably more sophisticated...
This Is What Happens to Your Brain and Body When You’re Stressed About Money
I think most of us can safely say we’ve felt this kind of stress before: stress about being broke or very close to it. But how does this stress affect us, physiologically speaking? We all have a fight-or-flight response system in our bodies that developed when our ancestors were roaming the land trying to avoid...
New Study Finds That Boomers Are More ‘Hypersensitive’ Than Millennials
Oh, boy…I have a feeling this isn’t gonna go over well with some older folks, if you know what I mean… The seemingly never-ending conflict between Baby Boomers and Millennials might just get ratcheted up another notch due to a study that had some pretty surprising results. It was published in the journal Psychology and...
Expert Says That Unmarried Women with No Kids Are the ‘Healthiest and Happiest Population Subgroup’
We all face a lot of pressures from different forces in our lives – pressures about marriage, kids, happiness, and what the perfect ingredients are to live a “perfect” life. Well, the older we all get, we know that there is no such thing as perfect,’ and we also know that what works for one...
Staying at Home with the Kids Is More Stressful Than Going to Work
Stay-at-home parents are often severely misunderstood. While many people assume they sit around relaxing at home all day, the reality is it’s a 24-hour job that is exhausting. Between caregiving and household management, the work seemingly never ends. One new survey found that, for many people, staying at home is more stressful for parents than going...
15 People Share The Secret Battles They Are Fighting
It’s been said that everyone out there is fighting a secret battle. It could be health-related, it could be depression, sadness, rage, money troubles, love troubles, etc. The point is that everyone is dealing with something. AskReddit users shared the private battles they are currently enduring. Remember to be kind to everyone and help people...