

11 2000s Memes That Are Almost Too Real

This one is for those of you who grew up in the early 2000s. What a time, am I right? Before there was Facebook, there was Myspace. Before there were iPhones, there were flip phones, and before there was a Switch, there was the Sims. If you didn’t live it, you won’t get it. But...

Weird and Terrible DIY Home Projects That’ll Make You Scratch Your Head

If my predictions are correct, you’re going to look at these photos, shake your head, and say WHYYYYYYYYYY? at the top of your lungs. Because what you’re about to see if, quite frankly, weird and disturbing. We’re about to dive into the world of strange DIY home projects that pretty much exist for absolutely no...

People Share the Totally Random Science Facts That They Know

Hey, there! Are you ready to nerd out! I’m not talking trash, I mean that in a good way! In fact, I wish I knew more about science…it was never my strong suit. I think I took Biology 101 three times in college and always failed miserably… But I’m ready to get smarter today with...

17 People Share the Scientific Facts They Really Wish Weren’t True

Believing in science is good, and when a fact is irrefutable, researched, and peer-reviewed, we should all accept that it’s true. That doesn’t mean we have to like it, though. Here are 17 people who have a beef with one scientific fact or another, and their reasons are pretty darn good. 17. We have no...

10 People Who Can Claim They Are Having the Absolute Worst Day

Sometimes, when we’re talking about our problems with a group of friends or coworkers, we fall into the dangerous habit of comparing our pain. Not only that, we might even try to one-up one another with who is actually suffering the most. This is a silly exercise. Everyone is dealing with something, and everyone’s something...

11 People Who Are Having a Far Worse Day Than You

Everybody has bad days. You spill your coffee in the car. You leave your phone in the gas station restroom. There’s not a single parking space in sight. If this sounds like the kind of day you’re having, I’m sorry to hear that, but I’d like to offer you a bit of comfort: it could...

17 People Recall the Creepiest Thing That Happened to Them as a Child

Most people have memories of things that happened to them during their childhood that totally freaked them out. It’s natural, as children develop the ability to use their imaginations, for those to run a bit wild. That said, a majority of those memories will eventually be explained away or refuted by the adults in their...

14 “How It Started” vs. “How It’s Going” Memes to Inspire Your Journey

It’s important to remember where we come from. Knowing where we’ve been helps us keep perspective when we take a look at where we are today. The “How It Started” vs. “How It’s Going” or “How it Ended” meme has been one of the most popular trends of the year. It started as a way...