

Peeing On Jellyfish Doesn’t Help — And 12 Other Old Wive’s Tales That Are 100% False

An old wive’s tale is a belief or superstition that widely believed but generally understood to be untrue. A lot of us have believed an old wive’s tale since childhood without even knowing how or why we heard it in the first place. Here are 13 popular old wive’s tales and why we should probably...

Can You Use These 17 Strange Words in a Sentence?

A thesaurus is one of the best tools you can have, especially if you’re interested in growing your vocabulary and dazzlings others with your language prowess. English is a fairly confusing language, especially since we borrow so many words from European languages. So having a thesaurus around can really help you stay on top of...

5 Scary Science Experiments That Might Actually Get Rid of Some Basic Fears

These science experiments give us the heebie-jeebies, but they also serve to let us know that there’s a logical explantation for pretty much everything. If you believe in ghosts, or have ever played the game Bloody Mary, you’re not immune to being creeped out. While true believers will tell you there’s something to the paranormal,...

Why Do Most Zippers Have the Letters “YKK” on Them?

Most of us zip up our pants without a second thought. But take a closer look at your favorite pair of jeans and you’ll likely find three letters on the zipper. But why exactly do most zippers have “YKK” on them? The answer is incredibly simple but it also reflects the motto of, “If it...

14 of the Tastiest Memes We Could Find That We Love

If thou liketh memes, than thou has come to the greatest place on the internet for such things! Indulge yourself and quench thine thirst with the juiciest, tastiest memes in all the land! Okay, yeah, we’ve got your memes, and we’ve been roasting these over an open pit ALL day. They’re nice and smoky, just...

16 Memes That Are Randomly Entertaining and Endlessly Hilarious

You know what today needs? Memes. You know what tomorrow needs? More memes. What I’m saying here is that if we just had more memes in the world, we probably would solve all of our problems. Right? RIGHT!?!?! Okay, maybe that’s a bit overblown, but we’re here for these 16 memes, and apparently you are...

Here Are the 5 Big Ways Being Wealthy Really Messes up Your Mind

A lot of people who aren’t wealthy really want to be, and it’s pretty easy to understand why. Who wouldn’t want to have the security of knowing you have pools of money just lying around? Well, it turns out that being super-wealthy isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Not because it’s a difficult life,...

Entitled “Karen” Tries to Scam a Free Meal Until She Realizes Who the Owner Is

If you don’t already know, a “Karen” is an entitled, usually middle-aged woman who complains to authority figures about others’ behavior. This particular Karen decided that her complaint to the manager would get her a free meal. She couldn’t have been more off-base in her assumption, specifically as it concerned the owner. A friend of...