

8 Words You Wouldn’t Know If It Weren’t for Generation X

People tend to forget about Generation X. We’re nestled between the Baby Boomers, who hate everyone and everything and are sure that young people are ruining the world, and Millennials – the world’s scapegoat. And listen, we kind of like it that way. We were a generation of latchkey kids, and if there’s one thing...

Family Finds $1 Million In Cash Sitting In Middle Of The Road

What would you do if you had a million dollars? It’s a question many of us roll around in our heads – in the shower, while we’re driving, anytime we have a few minutes to daydream. We might buy a new house, or take a trip. Maybe adopt some kids or animals, and sure, we’d...

People Talk About Insults People Say That Sound Like Compliments

You’ve been in this situation before: someone gives you a compliment and then a few minutes later it dawns on you…HEY, THAT WASN’T A COMPLIMENT! THAT WAS AN INSULT! And then you get offended and start crying and you’re not friends with that person anymore…at least that’s the way it works for me… What are...

People Share What They Thought Was Really Expensive or Cheap When They Were Kids

When I was a kid, there was a family in our small town and they drove a convertible… And I thought they were THE SHIT. Who actually OWNS a convertible, I used to think to myself. I believed they lived in a mansion, went to country clubs, and probably had maids and butlers. Looking back...

18 People Speculate About Hobbies They’d Eventually Be Good at If They Lived 500 Years

The older you get, the more quickly time passes and you start to realize that, unfortunately, there are a lot of things that you’ll probably never accomplish in your life. Next year’s the year I’m gonna learn to play the guitar! Well, hopefully… What hobbies would you get good at if you lived to be...

16 Fictional Characters Who Actually Do Have “Real” Names

Listen, I’m here to admit that there have been many mornings where I’ve stared at my cereal box and wondered whether or not the Lucky Charms leprechaun, the Trix bunny, et al have real names or whether they’re forever destined to care only about cereal. If you’ve had these and similar musings, well, wonder no...

Embarrassing Examples of People Behaving Badly During This Lockdown

Come on people…get it together, will you? Most of us are trying to do our best during this current crisis where people are dying, losing their jobs, and we’re all forced to stay inside. It’s tough on everyone, okay? But some people still have to behave badly for some reason. And act like this whole thing isn’t...

12 People Who Are Acting Like Idiots During the Lockdown

We all know what’s going on right now and it’s terrible, tragic, and infuriating. And people who are acting selfish and refusing to accept what’s going on are just making things worse, in my humble opinion. I understand that people are frustrated, but buying into conspiracy theories and showing a huge lack of regard and...