People Who Work Unusual Jobs Talk About How People React When They Tell Them About It
Not every job out there is 9 to 5. A lot of folks out there work jobs that some people don’t even know exist. It’s always interesting to learn about the different vocations that people have and you’re about to hear about a bunch that you might not be familiar with. Let’s dive into the...
What Is Something That Feels Illegal, but Isn’t? People Weighed in on This Question.
Some things just feel…wrong. Do you know what I’m saying? Yeah you do! We all have those feelings inside that make us feel like we’re doing something illegal, when we know we’re not at all. Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this question. 1. Time to plead your innocence. “A cop pulling up...
People Share Facts That Could Possibly Save Your Life One Day
You never know when you’re going to be in a situation where your life could potentially be in danger. That’s why it’s important to LISTEN when people share these kinds of facts and tips about things that could potentially save your life one day. So sit back and take all of this in, okay? Pay...
10 Interesting Facts That You Might Not Know
It can be hard to impress people these days. And when I say that, I mean that it can be hard to impress them with anything. But we think our fact sets knock the ball out of the park on a regular basis. Because we work hard to curate our facts day in and day out....
Nice Stories of People Being Very Kind to Each Other
It’s pretty hard to be positive right now. Many people are struggling and the seemingly never-ending wave of bad news is hard to escape from on most days. But when you look below the surface, you’ll notice that things aren’t so bleak and that people are really going out of their way to be kind...
12 Wholesome Posts People Shared Because The Worlds Needs Good News
This is a very tough time we’re experiencing and we need to remind ourselves what’s really important in life. It’s not big houses, a lot of money, and fancy, material things. It’s family, friends, being a good citizen, and being kind to EVERYONE. People shared nice, wholesome interactions they’ve had lately that we think you’ll...
13 Times People Had No Idea What They Were Looking at but Folks Online Knew Right Away
The Internet can get bogged down with trolls and people generally acting like total assholes to each other in comment sections and on social media. But there’s hope out there, I tell ya! Sometimes, people take to one online forum or another to have their questions answered and total strangers come through in the clutch!...
Is There A Right Way To Say ‘Pecan?’
Maybe you’ve never spent that much time talking about how you’re supposed to pronounce pecan – is it pee-can, or peh-kahn? And where does the emphasis go? I always thought it was the second way until I spent some time in the south (and saw When Harry Met Sally for the first time) and now, I’m not...