

17 Facts That Are Totally Worth Sharing

Facts are what we do here, and there’s nothing that can make you feel just a little taller, and a little smarter, than learning a few new things every single day. Personally, I think it’s one of the most important things people can do! So here are 17 facts that are interesting, a little less...

15 Random Facts You Might Not Have in Your Arsenal

We all like to have a nice, tidy, ever-growing arsenal of facts we can whip out at a moments notice, right? Well, here’s your chance to add to yours, because we think at least a few of these 15 random facts might be new to you! Some of them were new to me, and I...

15 Interesting Facts That Might Be New to You

It should come as no surprise that we love a good fact, and that goes double whenever we can find a great one that many people don’t already know. And while a few of these 15 might be familiar to you, we’re betting that at least a few of these interesting facts will be new...

14 Interesting Facts You Might Not Know

Facts are fun, right? They make us feel more in the know, they help us win trivia games (always important!), and, like my great-grandfather said, you should try to learn something new every day. We’d like to help you out today, so check out these 14 interesting facts! 14. Abraham Lincoln was a certified bartender....

How to Correctly Pronounce February

We are all adult people here, and yet, when confronted with the name of the second month of the year, we are left uncertain and sounding out syllables. For the last time, is it feb-roo-air-ee or feb-yoo-air-ee? According to both the Merriam-Webster and American Heritage dictionaries, both the common and proper pronunciations are considered correct....

17 Really Weird Things That Society Just Accepts as Normal

Sometimes, you’re just minding your business, going about your daily routine when you realize: LIFE IS SO WEIRD. From colloquial sayings to random societal norms, there are a ton of frankly bizarre things about being human that go unnoticed most of the time. But thanks to AskReddit, you now have 17 of those things to...

17 Words That Might Not Mean What You Think

I like to think of myself as a word person. I take pride in my vocabulary, and try – especially in my writing – to find the perfect word in every situation. That said, even people like me, who try to learn when they can, sometimes are wrong about what words actually mean. We might...

20 Photos Of The Awesome Things People Found At Thrift Stores, Flea Markets, and Garage Sales

If there’s one thing I’ve learned for 100% sure after browsing the internet, it’s that I don’t spend nearly enough time sifting through thrift stores. From weird, to amazing, back to creepy and onto totally fascinating, you can literally find anything lurking on the shelves. A fact that these 20 people must have known when...