

16 Pizza Guys Share Strange Things They’ve Seen Delivering Pizza

Food delivery can be a really dull and boring job. But every once in a while, something truly weird happens, and it makes for a story that keeps getting told for years to come. After all, when you deal with strangers all day, you’re bound to come across some weird ones! Redditors who have worked...

17 People Whose Collections Just Might Inspire You to Start One of Your Own

Collections are odd things, by nature. Typically a collections is filled with stuff that is interesting to the person who gathers it, but often doesn’t mean much to everyone else. Also, you walk a fine line between collecting and hoarding, and it’s important to know when to stop. You don’t want to end up on...

15 People Share Good Things That Happened To Them

If you watch the news on television – whether it’s local, national, or world – chances are that anything not terrifying has gotten buried (or even completely dumped) in order to give them enough time to cover all of the fires (sometimes literal sometimes figurative) happening all over the world. But maybe we just need...

What Exactly Is a Pooh, and Why Is Winnie One?

Beloved and time honored children’s character Winnie the Pooh is, in fact, a bear. He lives in the woods, he eats honey, he loves to sleep, he looks like a bear…all of the signs are there. So why, then, is he referred to as “the pooh?” And what exactly IS a pooh, anyway? I have...

Poll Shows the Books Most Readers Just Can’t Finish

When I saw there was a Goodreads poll looking for this answer, I had some ideas on what might win the day – Something by Tolstoy? Gravity’s Rainbow? Grapes of Wrath? Turns out it’s none of those (though I, personally, have quit all and feel no regrets on the topic). In 2013, Goodreads compiled members’...

Theme Park Employees Share the Worst Things They’ve Ever Seen…So Far

Working in a theme park sounds like great fun! You interact with people, watch them scream their hearts out, and get to eat tons of junk food, right? Except it’s not all fun and games. Theme park employees revealed that there’s quite a nasty side to their job as well. They graciously shared their experiences...

13 Normal Baby Names You Definitely Not Want to Name a Baby in 2020

Baby names are tricky; some parents want their kids to have a unique name, while others want a timeless one. But nobody can predict the future, and some names that were completely normal in the past would make for horrible names today. On AskReddit, users brainstormed some completely “normal” names that would, nonetheless, be cruel to...

15 People Share Obvious Things They Didn’t Realize Until Recently

We’ve all had one of those moments: you learn a new fact, a lightbulb pops up over your head like a cartoon, and you feel extremely dumb for not knowing sooner. Hey, just because something is “obvious” doesn’t mean that it’s common knowledge. On AskReddit, users shared super obvious things that they didn’t realize until embarrassingly late...