13 Photos And Memes That Will Make You Think Twice About Things
You might think that a few internet posts couldn’t turn everything you think you know about life upside-down, but that’s because you haven’t browsed through these 13 posts before now. And if that kind of thing makes you uncomfortable, well, you might want to think twice before scrolling further. Consider yourself warned. 13. I smell...
This Special Egg-Collecting Apron Has a Total of 19 Egg-Sized Pockets
If you’ve ever wished you could carry over a dozen eggs at a time without a stupid, annoying basket, you’re finally in luck! An Etsy seller created an apron that has 19 pockets so it can carry 19 individual eggs. The Egg-cellent Apron was designed by Heart Hook Home, a blog and Etsy store that...
There Is A Wrong Way And Right Way To Make A ‘Milk Coke’
If you’re like me, you’ve only recently learned about the bizarre drink craze created by combining two items most people would never think to put together: milk and Coke. If so, though, you (and I) are behind the times. Laverne, from Laverne and Shirley, enjoyed milk in her Pepsi. South Africans call the long-beloved mixture...
These 17 History Memes Might Teach You a Thing or Two
Learning new things is always more fun when it comes with a dose of sarcasm, humor, smart-assery, or all three. Which is perhaps why it’s so much more fun to learn history from these meme-makers than it was to try to memorize arbitrary dates for a teacher in high school who probably couldn’t remember any...
13 Funny Tweets That Everyone Should Read This Week
It’s gonna be a long week of work and other obligations, so you’re definitely going to need a break from all the madness. What’s a good way to do that? How about with a collection of seriously solid tweets. You’re in luck! Because we got ’em for you! Enjoy. 1. We’ve hit our peak as...
15 Creepy, Dark, Unsolved Mysteries That Might Never Be Solved
There are so many terrifying, unsolved mysteries out there that it can be hard to keep up. Luckily, we have online forums where people fill us in on the creepy tales and stories we should read up on if we want to scare the sh*t out of each other. Here are 15 scary unsolved mysteries...
Meet The Newborn Twins with Birthdays in Different Decades
Twins are funny little quirks of nature. They seems to sense each other’s thoughts and feelings, they don’t feel right if they’re not close enough to touch, and every year, there are cute stories about kiddos born a minute or two apart, but in different years. This year, though, these Indiana twins will have quite...
15 People Share True Facts That Sound Fake
As a writer, there have been several times while plotting books when I discarded an idea because it sounded too outlandish…even though, in some cases, it was historically true. In that vein, Redditors thought it would be fun to share facts that are truly hard to believe, and I bet at least a few of...