

He Lets His Girlfriend Do Most of the Chores Because She Doesn’t Pay as Much Rent as He Does. Is He a Jerk?

How are you supposed to split up chores when you live with someone? Should it always be equal? Or does it come to who makes more money and who pays more in rent? Hmmm, that’s a tricky one when you’re in a relationship… Take a look at this guy’s story and see if you think...

Is She Wrong for Wanting Her Boyfriend’s Parents to Treat Her Daughter the Same Way They Treat His Kids? People Responed.

Uh oh…this sure doesn’t sound good… But you never know what you’re gonna get when you dig into a story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page! So read this woman’s story and see if you think she’s out of line for what she expects from her boyfriend’s parents. Start now! AITA for expecting my...

She Wants Her Husband to Include Their Children When He Spends Time With His Estranged Son. Is She Wrong?

Mixed families can sure make things difficult. And it sounds like the woman who wrote this story on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page is having some issues when it comes to her husband and their kids from different marriages. But is she acting like a jerk for what she asked of her husband? Check...

Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Telling His Brother That He’s Disgusting and Gross

Well, that’s not a very nice thing to say, is it? It’s also not a very nice thing to HEAR! But this guy went there, folks… Check out his story and see if you think he acted like an a**hole. AITA for calling my brother a “disgusting gross, man,” at his daughter’s birthday party? “My...

He Got His Girlfriend a Gift Basket of Things She Avoided During Her Pregnancy. Is He Wrong?

This sounds like a nice thing to me! But I guess you never know how people are going to react to just about anything, do you? So was this guy out of line for what he did for his girlfriend? Take a look at his story and let us know what you think in the...

What Do You Dislike About Being a Man? Here’s What Guys Had to Say.

Guys…it’s time for some REAL TALK. Because you’re about to hear from a whole bunch of guys about what they dislike about being men. Are you ready for a dose of reality? Get started now! Just being honest… “My d**k when there’s a emotionally distressed woman crying in my arms. Guess it’s time to get...

Person Asks if They’re Wrong for Not Giving Their up Their First Class Seat on a Plane for Their Boss

Get in the back of the plane with the peasants! Okay, that’s probably not the smartest thing to say to YOUR BOSS, but would you give up your First Class seat…for anyone? Well, that’s the dilemma at the heart of this person’s story…see what you think! AITA for not giving my boss my first class...

She Got Mad When Her Boyfriend Brought His Friends on a Road Trip. Did She Go Too Far?

Have you ever had a friend who brought along extra people without asking you when you make plans with them? That drives me INSANE. At least send a text and give me a heads-up! But you know how people can be… So is this woman a jerk for getting mad at her boyfriend when he...