A Lack of Snow Days Has One Pennsylvania School District Considering “Work from Home” Days Instead
Climate change is affecting society in all kinds of unexpected ways, and one of them is that all of the snow days that are scheduled into a school year are going unused. When I was a kid (forgive me), we used 3-4 or more snow days a year, but in the past 5 years here...
10 Facts That Are Sure to Make You ‘Ooooh’ and ‘Ahhhhhh’
You need to be amazed right now, I can feel it. And that’s exactly what these facts are for! So get ready….and….GO! 1. A myth Source 1 Source 2 2. Also known as EFO (Embarrassment For Others) Source 1 Source 2 3. Fascinating! Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 4. Don’t give up! Source 5....
New Report Warns Human Civilization Could Crumble Within the Next 30 Years
If you think the catastrophic effects of climate change are waiting far out in the future, well, Australian think-tank Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration has some bad news for you. Their report warns of a “existential risk to humanity” coming within the next three decades, not centuries – a risk that could see a...
Amsterdam Is Getting Rid of All Gas and Diesel Vehicles
Many cities around the globe are taking small steps to combat pollution and clean up their streets. But Amsterdam just took a major leap: the Dutch city has announced that it is planning to phase out all gas and diesel vehicles by 2030. Amsterdam wants to ban all diesel and petroleum-engine vehicles by 2030 pic.twitter.com/gXnVxg0oVQ...
Earth’s Glaciers Have Lost 9 Trillion Tons of Ice, Equivalent to 27 Billion 747 Airplanes
This information is truly astounding…and very alarming. A team of scientists recently published a report that states that between 1961 and 2016, the Earth‘s glaciers lost 9 trillion metric tons of ice. That’s the equivalent of 27 billion 747 airplanes (each weighs 735,000 pounds). That means that the Earth is losing 335 billion metric tons...
North Carolina’s “Pollenpocalypse” Strikes Fear into the Heart of All Allergy Sufferers
As a resident of North Carolina, I can tell you that this “pollenpocalypse” is no joke. My front and back porches, my car, and almost everything else is completely covered in yellow dust. And if you suffer from allergies like I do, it’s not a whole lot of fun at the moment. If you don’t...
10 Great Facts That Are Very Exciting To Know
Ready to get all hyped up? Get a little excited? Make your life a little more electric? You’re in luck! These facts will do the trick! 1. Influential Source 2. What does it all mean? Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 3. Finally! Source 4. Ain’t that the truth Source 1 Source 2 5. Now you...