

If You Were Given $2 Trillion and 20 Years to Build Something in the U.S., What Would You Build? People Responded.

Alright, folks, it’s time to play a game! Are y’all ready for this? It’s gonna be fun, trust me… If you were given $2 trillion and 20 years to build something in the good ol’ USA, what would you build? Let’s see what folks on AskReddit had to say about this. 1. Sounds good to...

What Is the Greatest Invention by Humans? Here’s What People Said.

Sure, flying on airplanes is great and so is medicine and all that, but I gotta say that AIR CONDITIONING is the greatest human invention of all time… I just don’t know how I’d deal without out…but that’s just me… What do you think is the greatest human invention? Here’s what folks on AskReddit had...

What Do You Think Won’t Exist in 2030? Here’s What People Said.

Technology advances so quickly these days and trends come and go in a flash, so it’s guaranteed that some things we have in our lives right now won’t be around when the year 2030 rolls around. And it’s gonna be here faster than you realize… What do you think won’t exist in the year 2030?...

13 People Share What They Don’t Think Will Exist in 2030

I have a friend who works for a grocery store chain and he’s constantly telling me that in 10 years, those places will have very few employees because of technological advances…and I think he might’ve said something about robots, too… Whatever the case, you know that things are gonna look quite a bit different by...

What Invention Would We Be Better off Without? Here’s What People Said.

It would be nice to think that all inventions are meant to benefit humanity and would do so forever and ever… But we all know that ain’t the truth, right? Times change, things evolve, and sometimes inventions take on a whole different life of their own. So you just never know… What invention would we...

What Popular Digital Slang Do You Remember From the Dawn of the Internet Age? Here’s What People Said.

I remember when the Internet was pretty new and my mind was already blown. You’re trying to tell me you can talk to another person in another country who you’ve never met before in something called a “chat room”? Well, now I’ve seen it all! Do you remember the good old days? AskReddit users talked...

Why the New 8K Televisions Are Actually a Waste of Money

We live in a world where bigger is better and less is definitely not more, which is the theory that almost every company trying to sell you something seems to bank on when marketing new products. Our electronics have improved by leaps and bounds in the past decade, but what if they’re actually outstripping what...

Teenager Wants to Know if She’s Wrong for Leaving a Party Because She Wasn’t Allowed to Have Her Phone

Do you remember a time when we weren’t attached to our phones 24/7? Don’t get me wrong, I love my phone and everything, but it is nice to leave it behind sometimes if you go out for the night…or at least to turn it off for a while. But this story is a little bit...