

16 People Share the Simple Computer Tricks That Could Really Impress Your Friends

We all like to look smart in front of our family, friends, coworkers, and bosses, right? I think so, and when it comes to smooth computer tricks, it never hurts to have a few up your sleeve to make your own life easier, too. If you’re up for learning a few things along those lines,...

Master P, Richard Patterson, and the First Black Owned American Supercar

Rapper and Entrepreneur Master P is no stranger to innovation. According to Wikipedia, his record label has undergone a number of changes, invigorations, and relaunches through the years. And now the musician, who hales from New Orleans, Louisiana, is branching out in a new direction. https://www.instagram.com/p/CR6ohXYFCEB Earlier this year, Master P joined forces with engineer...

13 People Talk About Digital Slang Terms From the Dawn of the Internet Age

The early days of the Internet were like the Wild West. It was a new technological frontier and people pretty much made up the rules as they went along. What a time it was! What were some slang terms from the dawn of the Internet Age? Folks on AskReddit shared their memories. 1. Getting hot...

What’s Free on the Internet That Everyone Should Know? Here’s What People Said.

Even if you think you know all the bells and whistles as far as free things go online, you most likely are still missing out on a bunch of stuff that could really help you out. And who doesn’t love free stuff?!?! Folks on AskReddit shared free online resources they think we should all be...

People Talk Great FREE Resources on the Internet We Should All Know

Even though it might feel like we live in a world where everything is overpriced and we’re getting charged for all things imaginable, there are still a lot of good FREE things online that we should be taking advantage of. And today we’re gonna get a little bit smarter! What are some free online resources...

Should Kids Be Banned From Social Media Until They’re 16? People Shared Their Thoughts.

This promises to be an interesting conversation! Social media has changed our lives so much over the past 15 years or so…for better or worse. And it’s kind of hard to imagine what it was like before we were all so connected to each other. But does it have a negative effect on young kids?...

People Ponder the Statement, “Travel Culture Is Another Form of Flexing”

You know you have some people in your life like this… They have a ton of money, they’re always traveling to amazing places, AND they’re constantly posting pictures of their adventures. And some of these folks can be really shallow…you know it’s true! Do you think travel culture is just another form of flexing and...

12 People Talk About New Technologies They Remember That Are Now Obsolete

Technology today seems like it’s moving at hyper-speed these days and if you blink, you’ll miss it. And it’s pretty wild to see exciting stuff get introduced to the market and then see it go away later. That’s called getting old, folks! People on AskReddit discussed technology that they remember being invented and then going...