A Woman Sparked a Debate by Not Tipping a Server Who Ghosted Her
TikTok has really revolutionized the way people communicate and interact with others. And it’s also really changed the way people air their grievances and talk about their issues. And here’s another perfect example of that phenomenon. A TikTok user named Sydney had lunch at a Texas Roadhouse restaurant and her waiter happened to be a...
A Dressmaker Ignored the Mother of the Bride’s Opinions. Was He Wrong?
When it comes to wedding dresses, there are bound to be some strong feelings…and I’m not only talking about the bride who will be wearing it! Take a look at this story from the “Am I the A**hole?” page on Reddit and see if you think this dressmaker acted like a jerk. AITA for ignoring...
She Stormed Out of Her Hair Appointment Without Paying. Was She Wrong?
Why do some hairstylists insist on arguing and disagreeing with their clients? Sure, advice is definitely welcome, but the final decision is ultimately up to the paying customer, right? Am I crazy for thinking that? Check out this story and see if you think this young woman was wrong for walking out after a disagreement...
17 Horrible Bosses Who Totally Deserve To Be Called Out Online
If you’re over the age of 25, there’s a good chance that you’ve had at least one horrible boss in your life. Not everyone is cut out for management, but that doesn’t stop them from getting hired (for all kinds of reasons), and so we all have to learn, at one time or another, to...
Her Husband Demanded 50% Of Her Profits for Doing Nothing and She Called Him Out. Was She Wrong?
When it comes to money…things can get funny… Hey, that rhymed! Anyway, today you’re going to read about a woman who is now wondering if she acted like an a**hole because of how she is dealing with her husband in business-related matters. Check out this story and stick around to see what Reddit users think...
This Is What Happens When Engineering Students Are Asked to Make Sure a Mailbox Is Truck-Proof
Never mess with another person’s mailbox. If I’ve learned anything in life, that’s it. But, as you know, most people aren’t too bright. So take a look at what happened when some engineering students were asked to “truck-proof” a mailbox that kept getting destroyed. What Happens When Engineering Students Are Asked To Truck-Proof A Mailbox...
13 Hiring Managers Share Some What NOT To Dos As Far As Your Resume
The whole process of looking and applying for a new job is a daunting one, no matter who you are. There’s a ton of work involved, filters to slip through, interviews to pass, and on and on – but it all starts with the resume. So, if you’re looking for a leg up when it...
What’s Unnecessarily Expensive? Here’s What People Had to Say.
I think we can all agree on the obvious things that are way too overpriced… I’m talking about insulin, health insurance (in the U.S.), etc. You get the idea, right? Well, now it’s time to take a look at things that people on AskReddit think are unnecessarily expensive. Let’s take a look. 1. Insane. “Chemotherapy....