

French’s and Oskar Blues Is Offering a Mustard-Flavored Beer

Listen, the recent months have been so far from the status quo that I honestly believed nothing could surprise me anymore. Like…whatever this year wants to throw at me, fine – I’ll just shrug and go about my business. I’m honestly not sure I can look the other way with this mustard-flavored beer, though, because,...

Italians Are Bringing Back Plague-Era “Wine Windows” During These Times and They Adorable

Florence, Italy, is a pretty picturesque city. The architecture is stunning, and there are so many great details in the design. One of these details is the buchetta del vino, or wine window. Historically, wealthy Italians who owned vineyards would sell their wine to customers right through the window. The wine windows were especially useful...

A Quick, Handy Guide to the Many Different Ways You Can Enjoy Coffee

Coffee is a bit of a lifesaving (and life-giving) force for many. Can you imagine waking up and not having your usual cup (or two) of the most delicious, magical drink on Earth? But if you’ve ever found yourself confused when visiting a coffee shop and being faced with a menu that contains a litany...

10 Great Facts We Think Will Impress You

It can be hard to sort through the endless amount of information out there on social media and the Internet. Where’s the good stuff? The interesting stuff? Heck, where’s the REAL stuff? Well, look no further, because we consistently bring you great fact sets that will pique your curiosity and, most importantly, IMPRESS YOU. Hey,...

14 Drinking Memes for Folks Who Are Gonna Get Lit up Tonight

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to go to a bar right now without a mask and socialize and drink with your friends and some complete strangers? And do it all WITHOUT A MASK? Yes, it sounds great, but unfortunately, we don’t live in that kind of world at the moment. So it looks...

10 Fascinating Facts That’ll Make You Think

Are you ready to put your thinking cap on? I know I sure am! In that case, we’re happy to present you with another set of great facts that will stimulate your brain and make you ponder all kinds of facets of life. What else could you ask for, really?!?! Are you ready to get...

17 Uses for Coffee Filters That Aren’t About Coffee at All

Everyone loves coffee, right? Or at least a lot of us do. If you’re a coffee drinker, then you’re probably also familiar with coffee filters. You know, the brown (or white) paper you that you use with your coffee maker. It turns out that filters are quite versatile. In fact, you can do much more...

Enjoy These 10 Quality Facts That May Teach You Something

Surprises are great, right! You bet they are! And our amazing fact sets are always full of them, so be sure to read through a bunch of other ones that we have on our site. Are you ready to learn some new facts that we’re pretty sure you didn’t know before? Let’s take a look!...