25 Teachers Share the Bad Things Substitutes Did When They Were Away
It’s gotta be kind of weird to be a teacher and just hand your entire universe (aka, your classroom) over to a stranger once in a while when you take a day off. But that’s what the substitute teaching game is all about, folks! And it’s also a total crapshoot about what kind of individual...
What Teacher Will You Never Forget? People Shared Their Stories.
I know this sounds really terrible, but none of the teachers I ever had growing up all the way through high school really had any kind of big impact on me. Maybe it was my fault because I wasn’t paying attention too much, or maybe it’s just because I got pretty run-of-the-mill teachers. Who knows…...
12 People Talk About Things Are Sure Signs of Low Intelligence
As much as I enjoy social media, I also think it’s helped to turn a huge portion of the population into legends in their own minds…and a lot of them also think they’re experts on just about everything. And that, for me, is a sure sign of low intelligence. Oh, you’re an expert on the...
What’s a Sure Sign of Low Intelligence? People Shared Their Thoughts.
One thing that immediately makes me think someone is ignorant is if they won’t listen to another person’s point of view… And I really think they’re not very bright if they are presented with facts and ignore them…which is pretty common these days, unfortunately. What do you think is a sure sign of low intelligence?...
What’s the Scariest Thing Mankind Has Ever Created? People Shared Their Thoughts.
I think I gotta go with nuclear weapons on this one… I mean, what could be scarier than mutually assured destruction, right? But I’m sure there are plenty of things that I didn’t think of… What’s the scariest thing mankind has ever created? AskReddit users shared their thoughts. 1. Frightening. “The most terrifying inventions are...
13 People Share Who They Think Will Be Remembered in 500 Years Who Is Alive Today
It’s pretty wild to think about who will be remembered 100 years from now, let alone 500 years…but that’s what we’re gonna talk about today! So who do you think it would be? Bill Gates? Barack Obama? Michael Jordan? Vladimir Putin? What a fun question to ponder! AskReddit users talked about who is alive today...
Who Is Alive Now and Will Be Remembered in 500 Years? Here’s What People Said.
If I had to put my money on who I think is alive right now and will be remembered five centuries from now, I’d have to say Bill Gates. I think that’s a pretty safe bet, don’t you? And probably Barack Obama. Yup, that’s who I’m sticking with. Who is alive now that will be...
13 People Share What They’d Get Rid of in the World if They Had the Power
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we were actually able to choose something that we could get rid of permanently? We’d be able to make the world a better place with the snap of our fingers! Well, at least we can daydream, I guess… Folks on AskReddit talked about what they’d get rid of in the...