Teachers, Which Former Student Surprised You the Most Later in Life? Here’s What People Said.
People can really surprise you sometimes, don’t you think? For example, I know a guy who was a hardcore punk rock dude when we were young and we all thought he’d end up going nowhere fast. Wanna guess where he is now? HE WORKS FOR THE FREAKING FBI. Yeah… Teachers of AskReddit talked about the...
What Small Ways Has Society Made Progress in the Last 20 Years? Here’s How People Responded.
Blink and you’ll miss it. An older gentleman told me that when I graduated from high school. I kind of shrugged off his words of wisdom but it turns out he was right… And things are always moving forward, which is good news for all of us here on planet Earth. In what small ways...
Mom’s Conversation With Teacher Proves Online School Is Hard for Everyone
The transition to and from online learning has been hard for everyone – parents, teachers, students, and administration. There has been big adjustments on every side, and this conversation between parent and teacher only solidifies that fact. The mother heard that her son’s teacher was rude after he asked her name, and started an email...
12 People Talk About the Small Ways Society Has Made Progress in the Last 20 Years
Life really flies by and, if you’re not paying attention, you can notice a lot of the little things that happen. And, believe it or not, society is making progress in a lot of areas. Folks on AskReddit talked about the small ways they think society has progressed in the past two decades. Let’s see...
12 People Discuss the Rules That Made Them Think “What Happened Here to Have This Rule Made”?
It’s always weird at work or school when you learn about a rule that is very specific and very bizarre. It makes you say out loud, “what the hell happened to force someone to create this rule?” And today we’re gonna find out the background behind a bunch of these! Folks on AskReddit discussed the...
14 People Share Free Resources Available to Everyone That We Should All Know About
Who doesn’t love free stuff? I’m pretty sure 99.9999% of the population does…but that’s just off the top of my head… And today we’re gonna get all kinds of great info that you might not know about. What are some good free resources people should be taking advantage of? Here’s what people said on AskReddit....
What Sounds Futuristic but Is Happening Now? People Shared Their Thoughts.
We’re truly living in amazing times. People are flying into outer space, we have contraptions in our pockets that give us all the information we’d ever want to know, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The possibilities seem endless right now! And there are a lot more futuristic things going on than you...
24 Words People Tend to Mispronounce
If you hear someone who you know is smart mispronounce a word – especially if that person is young or otherwise inexperienced – you can bet good money they’re a reader. They’ve seen the word and they know what it means and how to use it, but not necessarily how to say it. These 24 words...