

People Discuss What Is Common in Their Country but Rare in Others

Traveling is one of the greatest joys in life. One of my favorite things is sitting at an outdoor cafe in another country, enjoying a cup of coffee or a beer, and having absolutely no idea what anyone around me is talking about because they’re speaking another language. Some people might find that intimidating or...

What Widely Accepted Fact Do You Know Is Wrong? Here’s What People Said.

People have very strong beliefs about all kinds of things in life: religion, politics, the environment, etc. And sometimes their beliefs are so strong and unwavering that people don’t believe facts that are widely accepted by the general public. I guess that this can be both good and bad, depending on how you look at...

14 People Talk About What’s Common in Their Country but Rare in Other Parts of the World

Doesn’t traveling to a foreign country sound incredible right about now? Because of this seemingly never-ending pandemic we’re going through, it looks like it might be a while before we can venture to another part of the world…but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it happens sooner than later. Because traveling exposes us to different...

14 People Share Widely Accepted Facts That They Think Are Plain Wrong

I am so sick and tired of hearing the term “Fake News” yelled out when someone doesn’t agree with something these days. Yes, I understand that there actually is fake news out there, but this term (and mindset) has been adopted by so many Americans now that it’s actually very dangerous. Even if something doesn’t...

15 People Debate Why We Should (Or Shouldn’t) Make Kids Read “Boring” Books In School

I was an avid reader for my entire life. From the moment my mother bought me my first chapter book (The Babysitter’s Club) in the 3rd grade, I was hooked. That said, even I hated the majority of the books that were assigned in high school English. It didn’t turn me off reading, but as this...

Can You Use These 17 Strange Words in a Sentence?

A thesaurus is one of the best tools you can have, especially if you’re interested in growing your vocabulary and dazzlings others with your language prowess. English is a fairly confusing language, especially since we borrow so many words from European languages. So having a thesaurus around can really help you stay on top of...

15 People on the Time Their Class Made Their Teacher Cry

Adults seem torn on how to feel about, and how to treat, teachers these days. We recognize the work they do, how important it is, and that they have inherent value to society…so much so, in fact, that we want them to risk their own health and lives to take our children away from us...

10 Great Fact That Will Make You Stop and Think

We live in a crazy, busy, hectic world, and it can be hard to get out of our fast-paced routines to think about anything else. And that’s where we like to come in! We consistently present you with great fact sets that get you out of your routine and expose you things you might not...