

11 Grammar Mistakes That Drive Editors Mad

Grammar rules still stump the best of us. But some mistakes tend to rear their ugly heads so often that editors can’t stand the sight of them. In fact, here are 11 grammar mistakes that are bound to drive editors mad. dBy the end of this list, you’ll definitely want to double-check your work before...

Teachers Share Kids’ Weird Responses When They Were Asked, “Tell Me a Fun Fact About Yourself”

You know as well as I do that kids can be just plain weird. And teachers REALLY know that to be a fact. Because they deal with those little weirdos…I mean adorable children…on a daily basis. And the weirdness really comes out when the kids are asked to share something about themselves, which I’m sure...

16 Teachers Share Weird Things Kids Have Said About Themselves in Class

Remember back in school when you had to tell the class something about yourself as an ice-breaker? It’s an old technique that teachers use to get kids to open up and for them to get to know their classmates. But I guess it doesn’t always go as planned, huh? Teachers of AskReddit shared their funny...

15 People Share the Advice They’d Give to Kids Who Are Starting High School

When I was entering high school many moons ago, one of my older sisters sat me down and gave me all kinds of advice about what I should do so I’d have the best experience possible. Join this club, avoid this type of kid, study hard, etc. Of course, I didn’t listen to anything she...

People Discuss the Scary Facts That Really Make Them Worry

Some people out there are just born worriers. They can’t help it, but the state of the world, all the things that go wrong, and all the things that MIGHT go wrong tend to keep them up at night and influence their lives in a negative way. And, let’s be honest, there sure are a...

What Terrifying Fact Keeps You up at Night? People Shared Their Thoughts.

There’s a lot to worry about in this big, crazy world of ours…no doubt about that. And, if you’re already a paranoid person, I suggest that you STAY AWAY from falling down social media rabbit holes because they’ll take you on a dark journey that will make things much worse and you’ll REALLY never get...

16 People Share the Terrifying Facts That Keep Them up at Night

When I was a kid, I was a total worrywart. I’d lay in my bed at night and just think of all of the terrifying things that might happen: World War III, an asteroid hitting our house, packs of wild dogs roaming the neighborhood. Basically anything that could potentially cause me harm. Now, I guess I’m just...

An Awesome Set of Interesting Facts We Really Love

We could all use a little pep in our step today, considering the state of the world and the constant flow of bad news that we see on TV and online. One way we think we can help you out is with some really great facts! We’ll stimulate your mind and make you forget about...