

Teachers in the U.S. Are Sharing Photos of In-Person Learning So the World Knows

This is apparently what learning looks like during a pandemic. https://twitter.com/Go_Jonnie_Go/status/1290308108615467009 As you probably already know, the United States has not managed this crisis well and we’re now seeing what the consequences look like. And as crazy and as unsafe as it seems, a whole lot of school districts out there have decided to go...

People Discuss the Immoral Psychological Studies That Could Reveal Hard Truths About Humanity

I’ve always found it pretty creepy to think about scientific and psychological studies that have gone in the past, before there were standards and regulations in place that put ethics at the forefront of medicine and psychology. There are definitely some pretty scary examples when you look into them… Who knows, maybe there are still...

10 Great Facts We Think Will Impress You

It can be hard to sort through the endless amount of information out there on social media and the Internet. Where’s the good stuff? The interesting stuff? Heck, where’s the REAL stuff? Well, look no further, because we consistently bring you great fact sets that will pique your curiosity and, most importantly, IMPRESS YOU. Hey,...

10 Grammar Myths Your English Teachers Taught You and Shouldn’t Have

Many of us who have been through school understand that when it comes to grammar, there are rules. At least, we think we do. What if you found out that many of those “rules” aren’t exactly true? That’s exactly what happened when someone put together this list of 10 grammar myths that our English teachers...

People Discuss What Was Sold on the “Black Market” in Their Schools

I had a friend (who shall remain nameless) that had his hand in seemingly every illegal activity in our high school. Fake IDs, selling weed, buying beer, etc. You name it, he did it. What a guy! And it seems like there’s always one kid in school who is running things like my friend was....

14 People Talk About Loopholes They Discovered and Exploited

You really never know when you’re gonna find a loophole. It could be at your job, somewhere out in the business world, or maybe something completely random that you happen upon by accident. But when people actually DO find loopholes…look out, because they’re gonna use ’em! Here are some pretty interesting stories from AskReddit users...

People Discuss Loopholes That They Found and Took Advantage of

Some people are better at figuring out loopholes and shortcuts than others. Some of those things can be illegal and you should probably avoid them, while others are perfectly okay. It just really depends, ya know? But one thing is for certain: most people are going to exploit the heck out of loopholes if they...

10 Great Facts That’ll Make You Say, “I Did Not Know That!”

“I did not know that…that is weird, wild stuff! Do you remember when Dana Carvey used to say that all the time when he did his Johnny Carson impression on Saturday Night Live back in the day? If you’re too young to remember that, check it out on YouTube because it was hilarious. And I constantly catch...