What Happens to Your Student Loan Debt After You Die?
Fifty years ago, this isn’t a question that would have been on many people’s minds. Student loans were typically small and paid off shortly after graduation, leaving the students who needed them free to start their adult lives, debt-free and degree in hand. Now, things are very different, with the majority of students exiting four...
70-Year-Old Physics Professor Goes Really Above and Beyond to Engage His Students
Learning new things can be challenging, but no matter whether it’s science, history, or literature, a great teacher can make a big difference in how students learn. We’ve all sat in a class where the teacher or professor simply reads from their notes or their presentation, leaving us to a) struggle to stay awake and...
10 Teachers Share Their Worst Helicopter Parent Experiences
Helicopter parents have gotten a bad reputation over the years. They’re often criticized for being overprotective, getting involved in older children’s careers, and even giving teachers a hard time. A Reddit thread asks teachers about their worst experiences with helicopter parents, and they truly delivered. Here are some of the best worst stories we could...
Girls Won All Five Top Prizes in National STEM Contest for Middle Schoolers
As the saying goes, “The future is female.” And that trend was certainly on display recently at the 2019 Broadcom MASTERS competition. The competition, “Math, Applied Science, Technology, and Engineering for Rising Stars,” highlights very bright middle-schoolers and is run by the Society for Science & the Public. This year, girls won all of the...
5 Great Gifts for Grandparents They’ll Actually Use
(Quick note: This is a sponsored post, but we never write about stuff that we don’t love. So yes, somebody paid us to write this post, but they didn’t tell us what to write or how to write it. Click here to learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners.) Have...
The World’s First Makeup Museum Will Open in New York City in 2020
Since there’s basically a museum dedicated to everything these days, it makes sense that a museum dedicated to makeup should exist, too. And, frankly, it is sure to get some folks pretty excited. In May 2020, the Makeup Museum is set to open in New York City. The museum is dedicated to telling the story...
Economists Say That Forgiving Student Debt Could Significantly Boost the Economy
I don’t know if anyone in high places will take these recommendations seriously, but a headline like this is probably music to the ears of the millions of people out there are struggling to pay off their student loans. Although different politicians have different ideas and plans about how much student loan debt they would...
Teens Take Fake Babies Home for School, and Their Teacher Shares Their Desperate Text Messages
I remember when my brother had to do an assignment similar to this when he was in high school, and I believe his fake baby was broken by the second day. Sadly, he received an F for the project. Bottom line: my brother was and still is very smart, obviously… But let’s get to the...