

29 People Share the Worst Things They’ve Ever Heard Teachers Say in Front of Classes

During your school days, was there ever an incident where a teacher lost their cool and said some pretty scandalous things in front of a class? Or maybe they just said something totally inappropriate in front of students for another reason? It really does happen all the time! And we’re about to hear a whole...

This Man Banned His Niece From His House for Throwing Away His Son’s School Supplies. Was He Wrong?

Here’s a life tip: don’t ever throw away another person’s things…no matter what they might be. And today we have a story from the “Am I The A**hole?” page on AskReddit about a guy who banned his niece for ditching his son’s school supplies…but he wants to know if he overreacted… AITA for banning my...

Did Mom Go Too Far Getting Teacher Fired Over Some “Stupid Snacks”?

Anytime I see an Ask Reddit that starts with a question about getting someone fired, I’m always ready to pull out my a$$hole card. Times are tough, and no matter what went down, getting someone fired sounds like a Karen move. We’re gonna hear this woman out, though, because it involves her daughter with diabetes,...

14 People Discuss What They Think Is the Shadiest Thing the U.S. Government Has Ever Done

As a proud American, I can also safely say that our government does A LOT of shady and messed up things around the world and has for many, many years. Obviously, I’m not singling out the USA, as it’s clear that many other countries do awful things as well in the name of power. Hey,...

People Talk About the Biggest Lies They’ve Heard About Going to College

Parties that never end, bro. Chicks all over the place, bro. Yes, those were just two of the lies I heard about college before I actually went away to school. And, while I still had a blast and made a lot of great friends, my college experience wasn’t exactly like Animal House. You live and...

15 People Weigh In On The Dumbest Thing They Were Taught In School

There are so many answers to this question, honestly, and related, so many things we weren’t taught that we really should have been – like how to do taxes or manage money, for a couple of things. If you think you’ve thought of everything, though, go ahead and read through this list of 15 useless...

13 Things People Say Were Totally Useless To Learn In School

I’m not saying that everything we learn in school is total hogwash, but I am saying that there are some topics that are pretty universally covered that don’t seem to be especially useful down the road. Wondering what I mean? These 13 people have a pretty solid lead on what subjects could be dropped from...

23 People Ponder if Schools Should Teach “Adult” Things Like Doing Taxes and Cooking

When I look back on my school days, there were a lot of good things that I learned over those years, but I wish I would’ve been taught more practical things about finances, taxes, etc. And I have a feeling I’m not alone in that opinion… So, should schools dedicate time to teaching students “adult”...