
World Culture

Yet Another Distasteful Truth About Plus-Size Modeling

Most people who have been paying attention to the modeling and fashion industry for any amount of time realize that honestly, there is probably more that’s distasteful than not about the entire thing. What we see in ads does not reflect reality, but that doesn’t stop them from affecting the way girls and women think...

You Can Climb South Korea’s Huge Walkable Rollercoaster

If you’re a thrill seeker and you’re looking for a different kind of rush, you might want to check out this walkable rollercoaster. It’s called the SpaceWalk and you can find it in Hwanho Park in Pohang, South Korea and it’s the biggest contemporary artwork in the country. Artists Heike Mutter and Ulrich Genth, who...

What Really Weird Things Came Out in Stores That Were Discontinued? People Shared Their Thoughts.

You know what was a weird thing that was popular for a hot minute when I was in middle school? HyperColor! And I had one of those shirts! It was a strange time…but weird things come and go all the time. AskReddit users were nice enough to talk about the weird things they remember that...

What Do You Want to Buy But You’re Not Sure if It’s Worth the Money? People Shared Their Thoughts.

I’m considering buying a new (to me) car sometime in the near future but I keep asking myself, is it worth it? Should I spend the money on a new ride or should I just drive my current vehicle (The Silver Stallion) until it has to be put out to pasture? Something to think about…...

A Woman Sparked a Debate by Not Tipping a Server Who Ghosted Her

TikTok has really revolutionized the way people communicate and interact with others. And it’s also really changed the way people air their grievances and talk about their issues. And here’s another perfect example of that phenomenon. A TikTok user named Sydney had lunch at a Texas Roadhouse restaurant and her waiter happened to be a...

A Dressmaker Ignored the Mother of the Bride’s Opinions. Was He Wrong?

When it comes to wedding dresses, there are bound to be some strong feelings…and I’m not only talking about the bride who will be wearing it! Take a look at this story from the “Am I the A**hole?” page on Reddit and see if you think this dressmaker acted like a jerk. AITA for ignoring...

What Traditions Shouldn’t Exist? People Shared Their Thoughts.

The world is full of traditions. Some are good and some are bad. But are there some that just shouldn’t even exist anymore? According to these AskReddit users, the answer is YES. Let’s see what they had to say. 1. Wow. “Forced marriages. Here in Sri Lanka, that’s still surprisingly common. I remember a couple...

What False Thing Did You Believe for Way Too Long? Here’s What People Said.

Did you ever believe something that later embarrassed the heck out of you? We’ve all been there, so don’t feel bad about it! While you think about your past sins, check out what things AskReddit users admitted they believed for way too long. 1. Amazing. “I used to think that eating cold turkey somehow helped...