23 People Talk About Why It’s Cheaper to Be Rich Than to Be Poor
If you have a pretty comfortable life, you probably don’t think a whole lot about things that poor people have to do. Like carrying your laundry to a place to get it done while you wait. Or having to repair the same car problems over and over again. Or renting things instead of owning them....
26 Things People Enjoyed But Gave up Because They Got Too Old for Them
I loved to play hockey when I was younger. I played in leagues from the time I was 16 until I was 22. And then life kept getting busier and I couldn’t commit to showing up one night a week because of work schedules, so I didn’t play for quite a few years… Fast forward...
29 People Share the Worst Things They’ve Ever Heard Teachers Say in Front of Classes
During your school days, was there ever an incident where a teacher lost their cool and said some pretty scandalous things in front of a class? Or maybe they just said something totally inappropriate in front of students for another reason? It really does happen all the time! And we’re about to hear a whole...
14 Lawyers Share The Very Worst Cases Of Their Careers
There are a hundred different kinds of lawyers, and while some of them get into it for the money or niche interest, I have to believe that at least some of them get into it because they want to help people. These 14 lawyers probably spend at least a little bit of time re-thinking their...
15 People Who Have Walked Out Of A Job Interview Talk About Why
Almost everyone can identify with the experience of needing a job, and most of us agree that the process of searching and interviewing for a new one is in no way pleasant. We need jobs, which can make an interview something of an imbalance of power. That said, we also have to know our self worth,...
28 People Talk About the Strangest Things They’ve Seen at Highway Rest Areas and Truck Stops
The highway system in the U.S. is very impressive. And it’s also pretty terrifying…. Thousands and thousands of miles of open road, where literally anything is possible. And you really never know what you’re going to run into out there…especially when it comes to highway rest areas and truck stops. Let’s get weird and creepy...
Is This Woman Wrong for Tell Her Co-Worker He Should Shave His Beard if She Can’t Wear Makeup? People Responded.
I don’t understand why anyone would get mad at another person wearing makeup, but I guess some folks just have to find something to complain about… And a woman took to Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page to ask if she was a jerk for how she reacted when a coworker told her she shouldn’t...
This Woman Feels Guilty About a Co-Worker Possibly Get Fired. Is She Wrong?
It still blows my mind when I hear stories about how inappropriately some folks act at work. And here’s another story that will make you scratch your head. A woman shared her story on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page because she’s now worried that a coworker might get fired for his actions. Read on...