14 People Discuss What They Think Is the Shadiest Thing the U.S. Government Has Ever Done
As a proud American, I can also safely say that our government does A LOT of shady and messed up things around the world and has for many, many years. Obviously, I’m not singling out the USA, as it’s clear that many other countries do awful things as well in the name of power. Hey,...
What Do You Miss About the Way the Internet Used to Be? Here’s What People Said.
My experience with the OLD internet was mostly just annoying my sister by tying up the phone line so I could slowly download bad-quality mp3s. Those were the good old days! But a lot has changed since then. Let’s see what Reddit misses: 1. The nerdiness A real high presence of programming stuff, STEM stuff etcetera....
30 People Talk About the Scams They Fell For
When I first moved to Chicago, two guys come to my door explaining something about how our energy company was rebranding or something and I needed to just sign something so they could start the new service which was better yada yada and just sign it, ok? It wasn’t until about an hour later that...
Lawyers Talk About the Moments They Knew They Won a Case
There’s usually a huge dramatic scene in any legal drama where it all comes together. The big “a ha!” moment. But how does that sort of thing play out in real life? Both lawyers and just folks who had been involved in court cases stepped up to the stand on Reddit to give their testimonies....
26 Airbnb Hosts Talk About the Terrible Guests Who Stayed at Their Places
I’ve rented Airbnb places before and it really blows my mind that people would treat another person’s property with anything but respect. But, as you already know, people can be real jerks and they can be incredibly rude when it comes to other people and their property and possessions. AskReddit users shared their stories about...
31 People Share What They Think Every Person Should Experience at Least Once in Their Lives
When I was younger, I thought I’d travel the world A LOT and that I would continue to do so as I got older. Those kinds of adventures would never slow down, right? Well, life has a tendency to get in the way of your plans sometimes. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but...
How Will the Tumultuous Year of 2020 Be Remembered in 50 Years? People Responded.
I think all of us can agree that 2020 was a pretty awful year. An unforeseen health crisis has made pretty much the entire world stop, protests and riots are disrupting major cities, and we are more politically divided than we’ve ever been. So how will people explain that tumultuous year to their kids and...
30 People Discuss What Harmful Things They Think Are Being Taught to Children
Parents of every generation have unique challenges. Times change and moms and dads must adapt to the day and age the best way they can. This also means that there are a lot of people out there who believe that today’s parents are not raising their kids the right way and are teaching them things...