

Is Being So Desperate to Go On Vacation Dramatic and a Sign of Privilege? Here’s What People Said.

Well, I guess you can go right ahead and call me privileged and dramatic because there’s nothing I enjoy more than getting the hell out of town as much as possible…even I have to work while I’m gone. But, on the flip side, I can see how other folks who maybe don’t get the opportunity...

14 People Share the Country They Will Never Visit Again

Traveling is one of the great pleasures of life, and one that’s typically only enjoyed by the privileged few (comparatively). If you’ve been saving your money and are looking to spend it on the trip of a lifetime, where are you going? If you’re these 14 people, you’re definitely not going back to one of...

If You’d Like to Own a Haunted Scottish Village, Here’s Your Chance

There are two types of people in this world: people who hear “haunted village” and go “nope,” and people who hear “haunted village” and go “please, tell me more.” If you’re here, I’m guessing you’re one of the latter folks (welcome, bestie), so let’s get to the (hor)crux of the story, shall we? The Old...

12 Island Vacations You Can Take Without a Passport

Everyone is looking to get away these days – rightfully so – but what if you want to check out an awesome island spot without having to travel halfway around the world, or renew your passport to get there. If that sounds like your jam, here are 12 awesome island vacation spots you could skip...

People Ponder the Statement, “Travel Culture Is Another Form of Flexing”

You know you have some people in your life like this… They have a ton of money, they’re always traveling to amazing places, AND they’re constantly posting pictures of their adventures. And some of these folks can be really shallow…you know it’s true! Do you think travel culture is just another form of flexing and...

15 Awesome Video Stores You Can Absolutely Still Visit

You might think that video stores are a thing of the past – after all, why would you go out and rent a DVD (not to mention own and hook up and maintain a DVD player) when you can just stream whatever you’d like from the comfort of your own home. Right? Well, much like...

It’s Strange To Read This Airline Pilot’s March 2020 Note

Back in February and March of 2020, no one could have guessed what was in store for us all. We were hearing whisperings of a pandemic, we were made aware it had hit our shores, and within a few short weeks, the majority of America had gone into some kind of lockdown. That’s what was...

16 Stone-Cold Facts About Iceland

Iceland seems to have really amped up as far as popularity for visitors in recent years. Everyone advertises reasonable plane tickets, or maybe it’s more that we worry that the colder parts of the world are going to disappear at some point, but I don’t know. I think it’s just beautiful, and the global nature...