There are a couple of restaurants (and a church) that I drive by regularly here in Charlotte, North Carolina and they routinely feature pretty funny signs that people driving by can laugh at.
But I don’t think the places here have anything on the El Arroyo restaurant in Austin, Texas.
The Mexican restaurant is at the top of its game when it comes to coming up with witty and hilarious signs that passersby can laugh at as they scoot around town. And who doesn’t need a laugh right now? I know I do!
Enjoy these signs from El Arroyo and if you’re in the Austin area, go check them out!
1. Just like coffee…
But without the coffee…
2. This accurately describes 2020.
Can we just get this year over with?–lvPo/
3. Sure, why not? Might as well…
You have absolutely nothing left to lose.
4. Let’s keep this distance thing going.
Even after this is over, okay?
5. Texas folks have their own way of speaking.
You know it. I know it. We all know it.
6. Yeah, what happened to that?
It seemed to be all the rage for a minute.
7. Let’s try to get this under control.
Before it’s too late!
8. I see what you did there!
And it was very clever!
9. Haven’t heard a peep.
Everything going okay, married people?
10. What a relief it is!
Nothing to hide anymore.
11. Ladies, is this true?
I have a feeling the answer is YES.
12. This is 100% right.
This needs to be re-branded.
13. Time to go back to Driver’s Ed.
Keep your hands at 10 and 2!
14. We’re living in very strange times.
Be safe out there!
Now we want to hear from you.
Have you seen any funny signs where you live during the quarantine?
If so, please share photos of them with us in the comments.
Thanks a lot!