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Sometimes, the universe has timing so perfect, you can’t help but laugh. These 17 people were caught wearing the right shirt at the right time (or the wrong shirt at the wrong time) and we sure are glad they were captured on camera.
1. “What have I done?”

Photo Credit: Imgur: SidiusFate
2. Was this bird… angry?

Photo Credit: Reddit: enohcs
3. Don’t say I didn’t warn you…

Photo Credit: Instagram: denver_patton
4. Four. Count ’em, four.

Photo Credit: Reddit: superfab96
5. Art imitates life.

Photo Credit: Reddit: Lagnactor
6. The perfect camouflage.

Photo Credit: Reddit: SmoothHookah
7. They say never meet your heroes… unless you’re wearing a shirt with their picture on it.

Photo Credit: Reddit: BenjaminNet
8. They should give this shirt to every new baby at the hospital.

Photo Credit: Imgur: REDbern
9. You’re a doll. Literally.

Photo Credit: Reddit: TheWinterSoldiersAss
10. Your shirt’s getting a little handsy.

Photo Credit: Twitter: chinodelarosa
11. This is embarrassing. One of them has to go change.

Photo Credit: Reddit: wickensworth
12. The Dude approves.

Photo Credit: Imgur: coppertop
13. That’s a lot of ‘staches in one photo.

Photo Credit: Reddit: art_is_dumb
14. I can “bear-ly” tell the difference between the two.

Photo Credit: Reddit: WalterIsTheDude
15. “Yeah, I do some modeling.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
16. By Picture Day standards, this isn’t too bad.

Photo Credit: Imgur: Wallama
17. Practice what you preach.

Photo Credit: Reddit: CzarOfCzars