
Posts by Jake Brannon

19 Creative Illustrations of Words That Sound the Same

The English language is confusing. Like, way too confusing. I have a lot of respect for anyone trying to learn it because it has more contradictions than you can imagine. Thankfully, Bruce Worden of the blog “Homophones, Weakly” is here to clear a few things up. Each week, he posts a new clever illustration that shows...

17 Photos Of Lazy People Who Are So Creative They Might Be Brilliant

There are two types of lazy people in this world: plain-old-lazy and holy-crap-you-might-be-a-genius-lazy. The following 17 people have taken being lazy to such a new level that we only thought it right to honor them with this list. Our only regret is how much effort we put into making it. 1. There’s no law that...

12 Photos Of People Who Somehow Are Staying Positive

Are you more of a glass-half-empty or glass-half-full type of person? Or, are you that rare third option, glass-all-the-way-full-all-the-time? Well, these 12 people certainly are. Despite their circumstances, these positive folks refuse to see anything but the bright side of things. 1. Getting arrested is no excuse not to smile for the camera. 2. The...

23 Parents Share Photos Before and After Having Kids

Kids will change your life. And while it’s mostly for the better, there are still those sleepless nights and tantrums that make you think back to simpler times when you were single or it was just you and your significant other. Check out these 23 parents whose lives drastically changed after having kids. Make sure...

Artist Illustrates the Hidden Side of Long-Term Relationships

For single people, long-term relationships might seem like this perfect romantic experience where couples sit around and feed each other chocolate-covered strawberries all day. But, as someone who has been in a committed relationship for nine years, I’m here to tell you that that is not the case. That’s not to say there aren’t wonderful times –...

12 Things You’re Only Allowed to Laugh at If Your Cat Is Rude as Hell

Is your cat rude? Hold on, let me re-phrase that: is your cat a cat? I kid, I kid. But seriously, cats can be so mean sometimes. Sure, they have their nice moments, but when they want to be mean, they unleash a true deviousness that is unrivaled in the animal kingdom. If you think...

10 Disney Princesses Reimagined as Modern ‘Bad Girls’

Disney Princesses are wonderful role models who serve as shining examples of what it means to be good and pure. But have you ever wondered what it would look like if they decided to be a little…bad? These artists reimagined what it would look like if your favorite Disney Princesses were modern day bad girls....

13 Hilarious Newspaper Edits That’ll Make You Do a Double-Take

Newspapers and magazines have a lot going on. There’s only so much space on each page, so sometimes things need to go right next to each other that, well, might not fit. Then, there are good ol’ fashion typos. Add it all together and you get some seriously funny newspaper edits that we couldn’t help...

10 Photos Taken Only One Day Apart

Oh, what a difference one day can make. These 10 photos were taken just a single day apart, but the change is remarkable. 1. Mount Saint Helens’ Eruption, 1980 2. Chernobyl, USSR 3. Sahara Desert 4. Japanese Tsunami 5. Fall of the Berlin Wall 6. Hurricane Harvey 7. Stock Market Crash of 1929 8. The 2010 Haiti Earthquake 9. Earthquake in...

20 Powerful Illustrations That Will Make You Think

Art is meant to provoke us – to make us think about the world, those who inhabit it, and where we fit in. And the works of Japanese artist Avogado6 do just that. Not much is known about the mysterious artist, but his illustrations speak volumes. Here are some of our favorites: 1. 2. 3....

14 Photos Showing What Happens After Things Are Worn Down Over Time

Time doesn’t play favorites. No matter how rich or poor you are, time affects us all the same. The following 14 photos show the many unique ways in which time changes everything around us. 1. 3 years and 6,000 working hours 2. This giant sequoia is almost 2,700 years old. 3. 13 years later 4. A 30-year-old brush 5. Old...

‘Man With the Golden Arm’ Retires from Donating Blood After Saving More Than 2 Million Babies

There are all kinds of heroes in this world. Doctors, firefighters, lifeguards, the list goes on. But not all heroes are so easy to spot. For men like James Harrison, heroism is a humble deed, but one that has saved millions of lives. Nicknamed “The Man With the Golden Arm,” this Australian man has donated...

26 Photos That Will Make You Do a Double Take

Our eyes are used to seeing the same things every day. So, when we finally see something so bizarre and out-of-the-ordinary, it takes our brains a second to catch up. This collection of photos is dedicated to that feeling. That feeling that makes you say, “Huh… that can’t be right.” While it’s often just a...

17 People Who Had the Right Shirt at the Right Time

Sometimes, the universe has timing so perfect, you can’t help but laugh. These 17 people were caught wearing the right shirt at the right time (or the wrong shirt at the wrong time) and we sure are glad they were captured on camera. 1. “What have I done?” 2. Was this bird… angry? 3. Don’t...

17 Photos Of Horrible Hotel Fails

Hotels can be expensive, so it’s tempting to opt for one with a lower price and a fewer stars. After all, you’re just sleeping there, so how bad could it be? Very bad, as it turns out. Just take it from these people whose hotels failed in truly epic ways. 1. Pick a faucet, any...