
Tumblr User Derails Our Idea Of The World’s Most Advanced Transportation System

Photo Credit: Pixabay

I never thought I’d be talking about 4ft 8.5inches in any context, but it’s another day on the internet and somebody posted this amazingness that has completely upended how we think of our modern transportation system.

Trust me, you’ll never see a train and NOT think of 4ft 8.5inches.

You’ll also never look at horses the same way again. Specifically their butts.

Oh, just wait… just wait…

It starts out simple enough…

Photo Credit: themattbusbyway

Indeed. Why WAS that gauge used? You’re about to find out…

Photo Credit: themattbusbyway

Get ready! You’re about to learn the wonders of wheel ruts!

Photo Credit: themattbusbyway

Of course the Romans were involved. Because they ran things back in the day.

Photo Credit: themattbusbyway

Now, the horses come in and it’s glorious…

Photo Credit: themattbusbyway

Trains and tunnels and rockets! Oh my!

Photo Credit: themattbusbyway

Well, my ass is officially astounded!

Photo Credit: themattbusbyway

Boom! Mind blown! ?