
This Woman Wants to Know if She’s Wrong for Walking Out of a Game of “Dungeons & Dragons”

Nerd alert!

To all the nerds out there…are you ready for some D&D drama?

Well, I sure hope so, because a young woman took to the “Am I the A**hole?” page on Reddit to see if she overreacted when she walked out on a game of “Dungeons and Dragons”.

Let’s see what happened…

AITA for walking out of a coworker’s D&D game?

“I (20f) have been playing Dungeons & Dragons for a few years now with the same online group.

We went on hiatus and I really missed playing so I started looking for another group. My coworker (22m) heard about this and invited me to join a game he just started. It was irl which I really wanted to try because I hear it’s so much better irl than online so I enthusiastically said yes.

Well I showed up to play and the vibes were immediately off. I was the only girl at the table, and definitely the youngest (everyone else was 22-26). They questioned my character choice, saying the group really needed a healer but I had already chosen a different skillset.

For anyone familiar with D&D or fantasy tropes in general, the single girl is ALWAYS the healer/mother figure which I wanted to avoid at all costs. After some debate, my coworker shut them down and let me play the character I wanted.

I should have walked out right then, but I stuck around to play two sessions. They. Were. Hell. Every choice I made in character was ignored or questioned, the other players’ characters flirted with and harassed my character in every interaction.

They barely let me do anything in the game and fought over which character would be able to date mine. In the middle of the second session, one of them asked what my character’s bra size was. I stood up and said “nope. Not going to take this anymore. You guys have fun” and walked out.

Ever since then they’ve all been blowing up my phone saying I ruined their game, that I shouldn’t have walked out like that. I’ve blocked most of them because the messages started getting insulting. However, my coworker hasn’t really talked to me since and I feel like I should have tried to resolve the issue in a different way since I never told the group I was uncomfortable with character romance.

AITA in this situation?”

Uh oh…now let’s see how Reddit users responded.

This D&D player said that this woman was definitely NOT the a**hole.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user said that the co-worker was to blame here.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said that this person just sounds like a bullly.

What a jerk!

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think?

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Thanks a lot!