
What Job Is Definitely Overpaid? Here’s What People Had to Say.

We hear a lot these days about jobs that are underpaid, but you better believe that folks have some strong feelings about jobs that are overpaid, as well.

And we’re gonna hear from folks on AskReddit today about that!

Take a look!

1. Wow!

“I watch milk powder go into a bag and out on a conveyor belt and I get paid $37 an hour.”

2. Impressive.

“I make about 40 an hour after tax in the US as a real estate appraiser.

You just need a college degree and a year of training and there is a huge shortage of appraisers right now.

Appraisers are not real estate agents or brokers. I do not buy or sell property.”

3. Big money.

“I work in STEM/higher ed. Per terms of her hire, our university president received a $500,000 housing stipend. When she got hired, there weren’t very many $500,000 homes in our area.

I love what I do and the results from what I do are both visible and fulfilling on many levels… but there is so much that’s gross about academia. The in-fighting, the bureaucracy… just the sheer scale of incompetence and pettiness.

It’s honestly just adult children with bigger portions of the pie lording over the kids with the scraps. Then you could divide the kids with scraps into other subgroups of petty, fiscally irresponsible adult toddlers.

It’s just wild that anything ever gets accomplished at some of these major campuses, truly. I’m consistently amazed.”

4. Yowza!

“There’s a person at my job whose title is literally “Assistant to the Executive Director” and makes over $180k/year.

He does nothing but wander around the building looking for things to write people up for.”

5. At least it helped.

“I had a life coach, paid for by my employer.

We met once a month for an hour and he helped me become a better supervisor.

He got 500$/hour. It really helped though.”

6. For real.

“Mega church pastors.

People who claim to care about God and helping people shouldn’t get their flock to buy them a tax free Gulfstream private plane.”

7. Doing nothing.

“I get paid 67k a year to literally stare at my computer screen, and do nothing.

I’m surprised I haven’t been let go yet, to be honest.”

8. Look at you!

“IT Recruiting.

25 with a history degree, $56/H and can submit for OT, remote.

Sleep most of the day, relax in the sun, off camera meetings, i haven’t made a cold call for two years either.”

9. Score!

“Radiation therapist in Australia here.

I work a four day week. 7-5 shift. No weekends.

I get $64 an hour and then my pay goes up in twelve months to $70.”

10. What do you do all day?

“Lazy federal employees.

I know about 6 in our office who clear 140k and no one knows what the f**k they do.”

11. Just playin’ around.

“Probably mine. I do web development for a fortune 500 company. Salary is around $150k annually.

I know they pay this much to devs because it does take a lot of time and effort to get to the skill level you need to be at to do this kind of work, but to me it just feels like I got someone to pay me to play with computers all day.

It’s like someone is giving me a ton of money to just tinker with things I was already tinkering with for free…”

12. The chief.

“Easily the chief of police in Methuen, Massachusetts.

Per Google:

“His salary of $326,707 in 2019 made Solomon one of the highest-paid police chiefs in the nation, paid more than his counterparts in Boston, New York, Chicago, and many other major urban areas.

And, unlike them, Solomon doesn’t have to face a serious crime problem: Methuen had one m**der last year.””

What do you think about this?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

Thanks a lot!